Written a year ago by analysts, will Teresa May survive now?


Theresa May

British Prime Minister Theresa May was struck off by many political badysts a year ago, some saying she was a "dead woman" and that she would no longer be Prime Minister at the end of 2017. 19659003]

In six months of next year, May has been implicated in another crisis within her Conservative party about how negotiations are going on about the UK exit from the European Union. Eurosceptic and "pure" EU supporters have rebelled against its latest proposal that Britain retain some of the benefits of the EU's common market.

Now that his biggest rival, Boris Johnson, decides to join the rebellion against her, few of them want to erase him. Simon Usherwood, who focused on Brekita's political scientist at the University of Surrey, was among the many badysts who expected May to be expelled after losing his parliamentary majority in the June 2017 election.


Before that, she called on voters to support her as well as her plans for Breckit. Now, Mae is forced to count on the support of ten members of the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland to win key votes in parliament. The unexpected believes that May survived last year because his detractors among the conservatives did not have a coordinated plan. Last weekend, many conservative right-wing Eurosceptic lawmakers were unhappy with the compromise reached between May and his cabinet after a one-day meeting Friday at the Chekers government residence near London

"I think it's the same basic problem (like last year), it's easy to say that she's not doing the job well, but going out of a significant alternative is a lot harder, "said Usherwood. 19659003]

"And I think that's the real problem – you see it today – supporters of the" solid Breckit "are not satisfied with the Checkers agreement, but they can not propose another plan, that their anger is supported by their disappointment, but also by the disappointment that they can not find an alternative, "he said.

In May, the government agreed that after Britain, Britain had to stay in the EU's "free trade area" and, therefore, leave the sector under the rules of the single market of the EU. EU:

In a gesture towards critics, it has undertaken to stop the free movement of EU citizens to the UK, accepting that Britain leaves the single market for services, which represents about 80% of the British economy.

"The only goals may be to leave the EU in spring s next and not to destroy the Conservative Party in this process, nothing else matters, "said Jim Gallacher, a former senior official and professor of management at the Center. under constitutional government based in Edinburgh

"We saw this weekend (after checkers)," Gallagher writes in an badysis of the London School of Economics. "The problem of the policy was postponed without solution, and for two days a fatal division in the cabinet was avoided," he says. "Now that David Davies finally resigns (as Breckitt's minister) because of the" sweetness "of the Breckit project, conservative party divisions are even more convincing, but perhaps insufficient to overthrow May," concludes Gallagher. Davis and the influential right-winger Jacob Rees-Mog (May's potential contender for leadership) were among the few rebels who asked him last Monday to reconsider his suggestions, but said that they did not want to force her to withdraw. All this may change after Johnson's resignation, considered by many badysts as May's most likely successor. Simon Hicks, a political scientist at the London School of Economics, says that Johnson's resignation will put "tremendous pressure" on several other "pro-bryctic" ministers for them to leave May's office. "I wonder how many of them will be here tomorrow at the end of the day," Hicks wrote yesterday on Twitter.

If a sufficient number of rebels demand leadership choices by addressing a petition to the influential "1922 Committee" ** (which must decide if at least 48 of the 316 conservative MPs declare themselves) "We are sure of what will happen and if Mai will be able to win the vote," Usherwood said before Johnson's resignation, Johnson's rebellion may lead to a "very different" situation, Usher said.

* From the title of Sharon Bolton's popular "Dead Woman Walking" detective novel

** The Committee of Private Curators "1922 Committee" is the Conservative Party's parliamentary caucus in the House of Commons. weekly committee meetings during a parliamentary session, lawmakers from the back row have the opportunity to express their views to the front-line deputies, according to a reference on the site of the l & 39; Encyclopedia Britannica –


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