Yordan Apostolov: Botev Vr is not doomed, you will see against Levski – BG Football – Premier League


Botev midfielder, Yordan Apostolov, was not happy with the second consecutive defeat of the first league team. In the second round, Vratsani beat 1: 3 as a guest against the Danube Rousse and still has not earned points in the 2018/2019 season. "I think we are responsible for this defeat.Our mistakes we have allowed light objectives.It is not that the Danube has created many things, only by our mistakes we have arrived at this result," said Apostolov, 29, "These minor mistakes we made the game so much, so the meeting became easy for the Danube team, we complicated our lives

" The final blow did not reach us . Today, and in the previous game (1: 2 against the Black Sea). And now we have rather clean situations. We have to work on it. We do it constantly. I hope the next game will show that we deserve more than this loss. "

" There was my mistake, it was for the third goal. I was wrong in the middle of the field, it was an attack against the opponent and they scored. "

In the next round, Botev Vratsa will welcome the elite for the first time but will not be able to play in his stadium so Levski will be going to Montana, and that's a fact that is apologetic from Apostolov, but not despair

"It would have been much more comfortable to play Vratsa against Levski. We would enjoy our audience, which would be very serious. I think Montana will also be very interested in the meeting. We will give ourselves everything, we will oppose, we are not condemned. You see we do a lot of things. If we clean up those mistakes that we occasionally allow, we can achieve partial success if it's not complete, "explains the copious midfielder. Levsky can not comment on them. We must look at our game, our mistakes to erase. I can not talk about Levski. We must all come together to show in the match against Levski that we are not doomed to play football to score points. "

" We have good things, we play badly. If we remove the errors, it will be different. I feel good here in the club. Everything is fine, everything is normal. Everything is done to make the conditions good. Only the victories wait. When they begin to come, everything will be fine, "finished Apostolov

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