"Our results this year show that we have big gaps, we are well below the McLaren level in the past, below the level of talent in our team, below the level of resources and technology that we possess We do a lot of work that remains hidden and we are now taking steps to restructure the company. team and make it capable of winning We know we owe it to all work, our partners, our drivers, and especially our fans, I think we all share the pain of McLaren's shape, knowing where the team could be – it's an unacceptable situation that is painful for all of us in Woking, but it will not be we're making a comeback We've unveiled a big change in the morning to put at home The team has to be stabilized so that e we can build stronger new fundamentals Today, we are taking a first step in a better direction. Our situation is not that of yesterday, and it will not be good tomorrow, "commented Brown before the media
The British believe that McLaren's departure from Bullie has not surprised nobody since 2014. " I spent a lot of time with the team and Eric. This is a man I have known for a long time. Obviously, we have been under great pressure for a long time. Eric and I have had many conversations about how we can improve McLaren. In the end, he also wants the best for McLaren, so when he made that decision, no one was surprised. It's something that has been commented on for a while, "added Brown.
"What we see is that we are too slow to react, we need to simplify things within the organization and we have to function as a race team"
about the Browns tells # SkyF1 McLaren areas need to improve, his cat with Boullier, and how their new structure works: https://t.co/ZAmF1Pyet0 pic.twitter.com/dGrhC4XE9Y
– Sky Sports F1 (@ SkySportsF1) 4 July 2018
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