Zlatko Daliich: My players did not want to leave the field, we will seek the revenge of France for 1998


Croatian national team coach Zlatko Dalić commented on his team's final table for the finals of the 2018 World Cup.

"Chess players have eliminated the England after extra time and will compete with France for the World Title FIFA.com

"I still remember Turam's goal and I will always remember it, I do not want it. was only a fan in 1998. Now I am coaching a finalist

We will seek revenge, of course we want the title! 19659007] shot 367860 “/>

Source: FIFA.com

I had players who were playing today with injuries, refused to leave I wanted to change them but they prayed to stay They are heroes They really deserve to win because of their character and their irreconcilability

We are ready We are always ready for the battle And now it will be so "

  Croatia beat England by 2: 1 after overtime and is at the end of the 2018 World Cup.

Croatia is in the final!

A historic chance for the "golden" generation of Croatians

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