Bush praises Biden, says elections were ‘fundamentally fair’ and ‘his outcome is clear’


The move by Bush, the only living former Republican president, was a break with his party’s incumbent President Trump, who has so far refused to concede the race.

In the statement, Bush said he called Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris on Sunday.

“Although we have political differences, I know Joe Biden is a good man, who has earned his chance to lead and unify our country,” said Bush. “The President-elect reiterated that if he runs as a Democrat he will rule for all Americans. I offered him the same thing I offered to Presidents Trump and Obama: my prayers for his success and my promise to help in any way possible. “

Bush also offered his congratulations in declaring Trump “for a hard-fought campaign,” nodding at his “extraordinary political achievement” of winning the votes of more than 70 million Americans, the second highest number of Americans. the story behind Biden. “They have spoken and their voices will continue to be heard by Republicans elected at all levels of government,” Bush said.

Bush in 2000 was elected by a much smaller margin than Biden, his race against then-Democratic Vice President Al Gore falling to 537 votes in Florida and a Supreme Court ruling in December. He said Trump “has the right to demand recounts and initiate legal proceedings,” but said Biden’s victory was clear.

“The American people can be confident that this election was fundamentally fair, their integrity will be maintained and the outcome is clear,” Bush said.

Bush has remained largely out of politics since his departure in January 2009. He was only an occasional presence on the election campaign in 2016, when his brother, former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, ran against Trump and others in the Republican presidential primary.

CNN and other media reported on Saturday that Biden had won the presidential race. According to CNN projections, Biden won 279 electoral votes against Trump’s 214, with Alaska, Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina still being final.

Biden gave a triumphant victory speech in Wilmington, Delaware on Saturday night, pledging to heal the country’s partisan divisions and telling Trump supporters, “Let’s give ourselves a chance.”

On Sunday afternoon, Trump refused to concede, tweeting a host of unproven allegations of electoral fraud without offering any evidence and falsely insisting that he won the election. His lawyers have sued in several states, so far unsuccessful.

“The challenges our country faces will require the best of President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris – and the best of all of us,” said Bush. “We must unite for the good of our families and our neighbors, and for our nation and its future. There is no problem that will not yield to the united will of a free people. Laura and I pray for our leaders and their families. We ask God to continue to bless our country. And we urge all Americans to join us in wishing our next President and Vice President good luck as they prepare to assume their responsibilities. important functions.

This story has been updated.


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