Bush Press Secretary Criticizes Ilhan Omar's Remarks on 9/11


Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer has criticized the representative, Ilhan Omar, for his comments in response to criticism from the son of a September 11th victim.

"All this in the context of her statement that" some people did something ", and that's how she described the attacks on our country on September 11," Fleischer said on Monday. Fox News. Newsroom of America. "We asked him Facing the nation about people who find this offensive. She did not repeat her words. She did not say that she was sorry, she said "some people did something". She recounted how she felt on September 11th, "he said, adding that" his lack of explanation for his statement that "some people have done something" is still terribly disturbing. She does not understand how offensive she was. "

"What has happened is that we have been attacked by radical Islamist terrorists, and its inability to say that it is the beginning of its problem." It is the original sin of this society. that she still does not want to repair, "continued Fleischer. He then called Omar "too radical" in his heart.

Nicholas Haros Jr., a man whose mother was killed on September 11, criticized the Minnesota Democrat on the 18th anniversary of the attacks during a speech at Ground Zero. He was dressed in a shirt with the words "Some people did something," a reference to Omar's description of the 9/11 that many viewed as casual.

Reply to Haros during an apparition on Sunday morning Facing the nationOmar said, "Many Americans have now been stripped of their civil rights, and that's why I talked about the fact that as a Muslim, I was suffering not just as an American who was attacked this year. that day, but the next day I woke up while my American compatriots were now treating me as a suspect. "


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