Buttigieg charms Washington with his accessibility


Earlier this month, coming home from work, Pete ButtigiegPete ButtigiegButtigieg: Mileage tax ‘shows great promise’ The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden changes obstacles Senators introduce bipartisan bill to extend tax credit for electric vehicle charging READ MORE made a pit stop in a Pizza Hut parking lot to pick up a used road bike the new Transportation Secretary plans to use to get around Washington, DC

“Good bike!” Buttigieg wrote on Twitter days after making the purchase, with a trailer of security guards in tow.

People around Buttigieg say the story of his bike – which he sometimes rides to work – is a personal example of how he tries to make himself “accessible” to the department.

During his first two months on the job, Buttigieg, who approved President BidenJoe BidenBiden’s prediction of withdrawal from Afghanistan raises doubts Trump over X factor in race for Virginia governor Trump says he will likely travel to the southern border soon MORE after his surprisingly strong primary campaign failed in South Carolina after a strong performance in the Iowa caucuses, made headlines for Pedaling to Work.

He also appeared on late night television, spoke at the popular SXSW conference, and maintained a social media presence worthy of his political celebrity status.

He has a new @SecretaryPete account on Instagram and pokes fun at himself on Twitter.

“Bike Twitter says my seat is too low,” Buttigieg wrote earlier this month after using the bike share in Washington. “I can confirm.”

Buttigieg gained attention during the Democratic primary as a politician, and administration officials see him as one of the best voices for pushing what should be a $ 3 trillion infrastructure plan.

To date, he has met with nearly two dozen House MPs and 13 senators, administration officials said. He also had several sessions with the United States Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities and held a discussion at the National Governors Association.

“President Biden and the White House have called on Secretary Buttigieg to play a leading role in shaping the president’s recovery program and building support for the bailout, and the secretary has done an admirable job in this work and communicating it to the American people, ”said a White House official.

The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, has been a staunch supporter of Biden since before the election, when he was a powerful campaign messenger through the media.

The 39-year-old former Navy fighter and openly gay chief of staff was still expected to get a nod from Biden in the administration. When it was announced he would be appointed transportation secretary, Buttigieg, whose biography is titled “Shortest Way Home,” joked about his love for Amtrak and the Chicago airport.

As the only millennial in Biden’s cabinet, Buttigieg continued to be the administration’s reliable and staunch young advocate.

Days after Biden signed the US bailout into law, Buttigieg was on the ground touting it.

Earlier this month, he met with UPS workers delivering vaccines in Washington DC and Maryland to a distribution center in Landover, Maryland.

At the event, he made headlines by telling reporters that the administration would take infrastructure measures well ahead of the September 30 deadline to re-authorize funding for surface transport.

“I’m going to let the president lead legislative priorities and sequencing, but as you’ve seen from the impatience of the public and the interest of Congress, these conversations are very much alive,” he said during the conference. the event.

He has his work cut out for him when it comes to selling the infrastructure plan to skeptics. Republicans have previously criticized its price and its focus on climate change.

But the GOP has been largely positive about Buttigieg.

“I don’t want to sound contradictory,” said the representative. Garret GravesGarret Neal Graves Friends and colleagues mourn the loss of Luke Letlow, elected representative of Louisiana, Luke Letlow, elected representative of Louisiana, dies of Republicans at home COVID-19 who did not sign the lawsuit in Texas LEARN MORE (R-La.), Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, in an interview with The Hill about his concerns about the infrastructure plan.

“I really appreciate a lot of things the secretary has already said, I was – based on what I expected – I think he came across as being a lot more thoughtful than I had.” expected with his experience as mayor. I think he’s a very smart and caring guy, ”he said.

representative Don YoungDonald (Don) Edwin YoungPro-union Bill Goes Through the House, Setting Up a Lobbying Battle in the Senate Lobbyists Eager to Get Back to Their Goals The Hill’s Morning Report – Brought to you by Facebook – The Relief Bill virus will vote on the weekend LEARN MORE (R-Alaska), former chairman of the House transportation and infrastructure committee, said in a hearing this week with Buttigieg testifying that he was “really proud” that Buttigieg had become secretary. He joked that he would give Buttigieg a grade after four years, noting that he has worked with 10 transport secretaries during his career.

Buttigieg’s longtime allies say they hope his approachable approach will help the Biden administration.

“I think his approach is a breath of fresh air,” said Eric Lesser, Massachusetts state senator and former White House aide to Obama, who has known Buttigieg since the two attended Harvard together.

“Pete has always been a listener at heart and that’s especially important in the role he occupies now,” Lesser said. “Our communities are suffering from transportation divestment and so many worthwhile projects lying on the planning room floor.”

Lesser said Buttigieg’s experience as mayor gives him a palpable understanding of what states are trying to solve with infrastructure.

“He comes from a community that suffered from these cracks” in the system.

Washington’s interest in Buttigieg and her husband, Chasten Buttigieg, is palpable. Washingtonian magazine called them “DC’s favorite new couple” following a New York Times article highlighting a new type of second spouse.

The play revealed that the two live on Capitol Hill in an apartment, where Buttigieg takes his Zoom calls. They have two dogs, Buddy and Truman, who gained national fame during his presidential run.

In addition to his presence in public media, Buttigieg withheld phone calls with reporters. He and Chasten Buttigieg have also been spotted.

Earlier this month, Chasten Buttigieg and second gentleman Doug EmhoffDoug Emhoff The Hill’s 12:30 Report – Presented by Facebook – Biden’s first press conference since taking office The Hill’s Morning Report – Biden charges Harris at the border; press conference today Pelosi and White House recognize Equal Pay Day READ MORE went out for coffee together and a passerby took a selfie with them.

“I guess you’ll be Secretary Pete,” Rep. Steve cohenStephen (Steve) Ira Cohen Chris Christie Joins New York Mets NYPD Board of Directors Investigating Anti-Asian Incident Against Teen Atlanta Police Girl Says They Are ‘Watching Everything’ in Investigation of MORE shots (D-Tenn.) Told him during the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing this week.

“I will always answer that,” Buttigieg replied.


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