CA mom bullied by other parents for selling sexy photos on OnlyFans


A mom who sells sexy snaps online claims she was bullied by other parents at her kids’ school – but says it won’t stop her.

Known as “Mrs. Poindexter ”on the OnlyFans app, Northern California mom Tiffany Poindexter claims to raise over $ 150,000 a month by selling access to naughty photos and videos taken by her husband.

The parents of her children’s school, however, are do not Fans.

The 44-year-old said she launched a campaign to kick her three children out of school when her account was discovered last summer.

“Some women in my area actually printed pictures that I posted on my OnlyFans and mailed them to the principal of my children’s school,” she told JamPress.

“We have been called a host of names; apparently it was “disturbing, disgusting, horrible” and “my children should be kicked out!” ”

Poindexter claims the director chose not to get involved.

She and her husband, meanwhile, continued to manage the account and label the campaign “jealousy”.

“I think most husbands took a look at Tiffany’s story,” her husband Chris Poindexter said.

“Maybe that’s why these women have such a problem with us.

With pole wires


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