Caitlyn Jenner gets caught and throws her opponents at Alec Baldwin Roast


Caitlyn Jenner became the first transsexual person to take the stage at a Comedy Central Roast, when she showed up at the Alec Baldwin razz Saturday night. Despite this milestone, roasters like "Will and Grace" star Sean Hayes did not hesitate to convince Jenner of his transition and so much more.

"You have balls, my daughter," joked Hayes at the start of shooting at the Saban Theater in Los Angeles.

Jenner told the audience that she knew what she was just doing at roasting, but she explained that her decision to join her was to inspire "future generations of transgender people."

"I am a person who is trying to understand my life, like everyone else," Jenner said. "All I want is that future generations of transgender people will know that if I find the courage to make myself ridiculous, you can handle just about anything … except the podcast. Adam Carolla. "

Jenner was open to talking about her transition, and also ready to take the jokes as well as she pitched them to Baldwin. When she was on stage, she said that she did not just cut the movie, she had "retired" after having 10 children and nearly 20 grandchildren.

Carolla, Roast Master Hayes, Robert De Niro and Blake Griffin (NBA All-Star) were also on the podium, each taking their shots at Trump's "Saturday Night Live," but Jenner took as many jokes as "Glengarry Glenn Ross" and "30 Rock" actor himself. And she often encouraged other roasters when he was their target.

Griffin joked about Jenner's transition, saying it was proof that "no one in this family wants a white dick". Note: Griffin has already been to Jenner's daughter, Kendall.

SNL cast member Chris Redd even compared roaster Jeff Ross to Jenner's penis "coming back to haunt her".

Jenner's jokes were not limited to his transition. In one of the biggest laughs of the night, comedian Nikki Glaser was fooled by the relationship between Jenner and his daughters, saying, "Even Casey Anthony knows where his daughter is."

Jenner was also on the hot seat for voting for Donald Trump, what she later wrote in an editorial was a mistake. Comedian Jeff Ross asked Jenner, while in the gallery, why she chose to be a woman and then "vote against the right to choose a woman". She nodded.

Although Jenner attracted a lot of attention, Baldwin did not come home, his gaffes playing Words with Friends on a plane, hitting a paparazzi and the infamous voice box calling his daughter "pig without thought" were just.

Her daughter Ireland went on the podium as a surprise roaster and referred to the voicemail of the "thoughtless pig". She teased, "After years of verbal abuse, it's finally time to get some."

Comedy Central Roast of Alec Baldwin "will air on September 15th.


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