California is suing the Trump administration for more than a billion dollars of canceled money in the high speed train


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By Associated press

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – California has filed lawsuits to prevent the administration of President Donald Trump from canceling nearly a billion dollars for the state 's high – speed train project.

The complaint filed Tuesday comes after the administration canceled funding last week.

Democratic governor Gavin Newsom called the move illegal and said it was a political revenge for California 's resistance to Trump' s immigration policies.

The state is also considering seeking a temporary restraining order to prevent the administration from allocating the money to another project.

This $ 929 million goes hand in hand with California's obligation to complete a 119-mile stretch of runway in the agricultural center of the Central Valley State and conduct environmental work all along the line from here 2022.

The Federal Railroad Administration says California can not meet this deadline.

The state hopes to eventually connect Los Angeles and San Francisco.


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