Californian Gavin Newsom just proved he’s a hypocrite and a liar


We weren’t going to comment on California Governor Gavin Newsom’s ghastly hypocrisy in attending a loud, maskless big dinner party, even though he ordered the Golden Staters to cancel large Thanksgiving gatherings.

But then he got caught lying in his so-called apology.

The anniversary celebration took place at Napa’s French Laundry, perhaps the best (and most expensive) restaurant in the country. The news broke just hours after Newsom issued new guidelines discouraging reunions of more than three households as California has just passed 1 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus.

Caught meeting with his wife and people from many homes – lobbyists and California Medical Association executives, no less – Newsom admitted, “I should have created better behavior.”

But he also insisted that the party dine out. In fact, the photos show a table inside with a sliding glass door leading to a courtyard.

What a worm.


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