Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War launches Nuketown ’84 map alongside Double XP event


Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has just been released, and it will soon reintroduce fan-favorite Black Ops map Nuketown called Nuketown ’84. If that’s not enough to play a ton of Cold War this weekend, Activision is sweetening the pot by also offering double XP.

Nuketown ’84 will launch on November 24 and will be free to all users. The Double XP event is already live ahead of the launch of Nuketown ’84, offering both 2XP and 2X Weapon XP. Double XP will last until November 30, so you have plenty of time to gain experience while trying out a new take on a classic.

You can also request a Nuketown themed weapon pack for free just by logging in before December 3. This pack includes a “Last Stop” shotgun blueprint, weapon charms, emblem and calling card.

“It’s reasonable to expect Cold War updates at a steady rate. Weapons will be tweaked, issues will be fixed, and gameplay will be balanced,” Kallie Plagge wrote in Call of Duty: Black Ops review. Cold War by GameSpot. “Zombies have a solid foundation and could very well be improved by potential updates, but the gap between multiplayer and the Warzone ecosystem is too wide to be filled with small changes. Zombies are a good time to cooperation overall, but the multiplayer falls flat, leaving the strong campaign to do the heavy lifting. “

Lecture en cours: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War – Bande-annonce de Nuketown ’84

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