Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will be even more modern than Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare


That's Po-moe!

Oh Activision, insolent. A popular tweet Call of Duty YouTuber LongSensation this morning revealed that the game of 2019 will be titled Call of Duty: Modern war. Do not confuse with the popular Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare OR the reissue of this classic Call of Duty: remastered modern war.

This new name was saved by Jason Schreier of Kotaku. Even if there is no official version of Activision or Infinity Ward, it seems quite legitimate. Official word on the name or any type of news or game for Call of Duty: Modern war will probably not come until June.

This is not surprising, really. According to Statista, the best-selling game in the world Call of Duty history is Modern War 3 and since then, there have been different levels of success that have never reached the same peak as the conclusion of the Infinity Ward trilogy. My bet is that the beans counters at Activision have seen the correlation and wanted to try to recover some kind of forgotten glory.

No doubt it will sell millions of dollars and will end near the top of sales when it comes out later this year.

This year's Call of Duty is called Modern Warfare [Eurogamer]

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