Can Nintendo Switch be a force for fitness – or are we all too lazy?


Oh Nintendo, we appreciate you trying. Mario's House has decided to unveil a new hardware accessory and a video game for Ring Fit Adventure for Nintendo Switch, as a continuation of a long series of fitness-related games for Nintendo's home consoles.

Much like the hit Wii Sports or Wii Fit games from previous generations of consoles, Ring Fit Adventure uses motion controls and dedicated hardware to simulate physical exercise, even though the experience is really equivalent to a live session. ;training. Do not we all find a way to play with the least effort possible, even when the game is designed as a workout?

The Switch fitness game uses a ring-shaped controller that attaches to one of the Joy-Cons, which means that the gyroscope is able to tell which direction you're moving or shaking the ring. Made of soft plastic, you can also fold and stretch the ring, making it more flexible than the average Mario Kart steering wheel. You will also find a strap that you attach to your leg, which houses the other Joy-Con and can indicate whether you are squatting, running or not while playing the platform or fighting monsters in the game.

In the trailer this week, Ring Fit Adventure shows a number of family members who mutually acclaim each other as they reach the climax of their workout – some even breaking sweats! But there is a difference between the harmonious image of families who exercise with happiness (do families do it together?) And the way players play in real life.

Play the system

The problem with the players is that, well, we can be lazy. Do not get me wrong, the stereotype of players lying all day in their jogging pants without a moment of sun getting tired very quickly and if Nintendo showed us anything with the portable hybrid switch / for home console, it is possible to play anywhere these days, in all kinds of situations.

But the game is also synonymous with victory and completion – and if there is an easy way to finish a level in a fitness game or beat a friend during a game of Wii Tennis, you can be sure we let's do it.

When I first played Wii Sports in the 2000s, I was amazed to be able to recreate the swing of a racket in someone's living room, but this one quickly sank into the seat and just touched my wrist to get the same result.

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Tom Bedford, technical director of TechRadar, adds, "My family played at Wii Sport Island Resort and Wii Fit, and really I quickly learned to play games by doing the least possible effort, while operating at 100%. "

He adds that the real exercise, when you push your limits, is "the least effective way to win in a game of exercises". On the other hand, our global editor, Gareth Beavis – a long distance runner – has fond memories of the sport. Champions (on the PS Move) for the way he asked for a real effort on the part of the player:

"For me, I want a game that allows me to do better with more effort … I had the habit of pulling muscles playing the gladiator game on PS Move. You would lose without [pushing yourself that far]but just the motion made you want to try harder. "

(Image credit: Nintendo)

Real vs fantasy

The addition of Leg-Strap is interesting and may require more commitment from the body than some of us could get away with with Wii Sports, etc. – perhaps more in the spirit of our publisher's experience in Sports Champions. But there will undoubtedly be those of us who will want to play the system anyway, in which case why did we bother to buy an exercise game?

As with all things, the result will depend largely on your willingness and your desire to use Ring Fit Adventure for the intended purpose. But we also play games to simulate experiences rather than having them for real. I do not particularly want to fight a dragon, or mow waves of soldiers in real life, but the gameplay, stories and general pitfalls of the title are what tempts me.

Similarly, there are local gyms in which I can go for an intensive workout for the abs, but if I stay in my living room, it's probably to play a game first – with the considerations next year's fiscal year.


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