Can papaya leaf really cure dengue fever? | presented by the University of Nottingham


Sound familiar?
You have probably already been bitten by these pesky mosquitoes.

But beyond the biting red bumps, there is a greater danger: dengue fever.

This viral infection is spread by the bite of infected female mosquitoes and can potentially become a deadly disease.

At present, dengue is today the leading cause of hospitalization and death among people in Asia and Latin America.

Although there is no specific cure for the disease, papaya leaves are a popular natural remedy for dengue fever.

Patients who consume the juice of this plant have frequently reported a reduction in dengue symptoms and an improvement in their overall health.

So, can the papaya leaf really cure dengue fever?

Carpaine; A bioactive compound present in papaya leaves has shown an increase in platelet count and a reduction in internal bleeding.

But how can Carpaine's extraction from papaya leaves be used so that patients around the world can consume it?
Associate Professor Dr. Hii Ching Lik, of the University of Nottingham, Malaysia, is leading a research program to find the best way to extract and preserve papaya leaves from papaya for pills. or fast-acting syrups.

"We continue to improve the extraction method and test different parts of the leaf, including the stems, and determine the amount of carpaine that can be extracted from different aged leaves." – Dr. Hii

Interdisciplinary research requires Dr. Hii to collaborate with researchers from different areas of the university, where graduate students have the opportunity to participate in high-level research like this.

If the techniques Dr. Hii and his team use to keep large amounts of extractable carpaine, they can then partner with pharmaceutical companies to develop the drug on a larger scale.

It will be a medical advance in the treatment of dengue fever and will potentially save many lives.

