5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day keeps breast cancer away


  5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day keeps bad cancer afloat, according to a new study

The increase in fruit and vegetable consumption can help women reduce their risk of developing bad cancer bad.

The International Journal of Cancer and led by a team at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, found that cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower as well as orange vegetables including sweet potatoes and carrots have shown the most notable benefits in reducing risk.

Women who consumed more than five and a half years Daily servings of fruits and vegetables reduce their risk of bad cancer by 11% compared to women who consume 2.5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day [19659003] "Although previous studies have suggested an badociation, their potency was limited, particularly" This research provides the most complete picture of the importance of consuming large amounts of fruits and vegetables for prevention Breast cancer. "

Raw and cooked fruits and vegetables have both been beneficial, and in some cases cooking helps release potent antioxidants known for their ability to fight cancer.

Since a diet containing many fruits and vegetables is badociated with many other health benefits, our results could encourage women to increase their consumption Heather Elibaden

Studies have found a strong correlation between increased consumption of fruits and vegetables and a reduced risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Earlier this month, Dr. Kristi Funk, the star bad cancer surgeon, warned women against the consumption of meat and dairy products because of the increased risk of Cancer. The vegan doctor said, "[T] he moderates everything in moderation rubs me in the wrong direction … Why consume carcinogenic meats in moderation, while perhaps I can remove a moderate part of your bad?" [19659003] While there are few studies pointing to the benefits of a vegan diet for cancer mitigation – largely because of the historically low vegan population – before are likely to support its findings . In particular, she notes, while the Millennial and Gen Z generations opt for more plant diets than previous generations.

"It is clear that the body's cellular response to proteins and animal fats is only dangerous" She told the Sunday Times

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Jill Ettinger

Jill Ettinger is a Los Angeles-based journalist and publisher. It focuses on the global food system and its interactions with our cultural traditions, food preferences, health and politics. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the affiliate websites OrganicAuthority.com and EcoSalon.com, and works as a research badociate and editor-in-chief for the Cornucopia Institute, the monitoring group of the organic industry. Jill has been featured in The Huffington Post, MTV, Reality Sandwich and Eat Drink Better. www.jillettinger.com

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