Conservative MP compares Trudeau's response to Harvey Weinstein


OTTAWA – Conservative MP Michelle Rempel takes on the feminist background of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau following his recent response to an 18-year groped claim that he can not remember Such an incident

. Rempel told HuffPost Canada in an interview Wednesday, referring to the disgraced Hollywood magnate who is awaiting trial for first degree rape and other charges of badual misconduct. 19659003] The allegation against Trudeau stems from an editorial in Creston Valley Advance published in 2000 that has been rebroadcast on social media in recent weeks. He quotes a 28-year-old Trudeau who apologizes for being "ahead" with a reporter. See: Trudeau Denies Claiming That He Tasted a Journalist 18 Years Ago

"I Remember That Day in Creston", Trudeau told reporters Sunday at Regina, the first time that he has publicly addressed allegation. "I had a good day that day, I do not remember any negative interaction that day."

But the Conservatives do not buy the explanation of the Prime Minister and accuse the government of adopting a double standard on feminist issues.

Rempel says that Trudeau's words signal a problem of coherence after the government wrapped itself up "in a cloak of feminism."

She accused the Prime Minister and her Liberal MPs of " problem." Then it's like I say, but not as I do, "she said. Trudeau, Rempel said it was disappointing that Liberal MPs "refused to comment on what was in front of them."

The Calgary Nose Hill MP said she was in "many situations" in her career where her conservative colleagues have done things with which I do not agree as a feminist. "Rempel said she's voiced her opposition on these issues at once publicly and within the party.

"And that's how things change," she said.

Sean Kilpatrick / The Canadian Press

Conservative MP Michelle Rempel speaks in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on March 29, 2018.

As leader of the Liberal Party, Trudeau set two caucus members in motion in 2014 on allegations of badual misconduct before internal polls were completed. As Prime Minister, he made a concerted effort to adopt a feminist image on the international scene.

In January, while #MeToo was on Parliament Hill, Trudeau was asked if he remembered his past where his own actions could have been misinterpreted as misconduct.

"I do not think, I've been very, very careful all my life to be thoughtful, to be respectful of the space of people and people." Monsef said to "cultivate a pair "

The grumbling allegation and Trudeau's response to this issue sparked a debate between conservatives and liberals on the credibility of each party on feminist issues.

This began again Monday after The Globe and Mail published his profile of Rachael Harder, centered on the definition of feminism by the Conservative MP, Harder is the spokesperson for his party on the status of women

.The Liberal MPs voted against Harder's candidacy for chairing the status of women committee, citing her anti-abortion values ​​earlier this year, Harder told participants at the Manning Center in Ottawa that she believed the Liberals had co-opted feminism for marketing purposes

Three Liberal ministers attacked Harder for his definition of feminism

. wrong? "Transforming more possibilities for fields #WomenInSTEM into a partisan problem (1/4)

– Kirsty Duncan (@KirstyDuncanMP) July 3, 2018

What Rachel does not recognize, is that the foundation of women's empowerment is the ability to choose if, when and how she will reproduce. I honor the women who fought for this right for my generation, and I will protect it for the next.

– Patty Hajdu (@PattyHajdu) 3 July 2018

There is no "liberal version of feminism". There is only feminism: the belief that all Canadians deserve equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of gender.
Our government is proud of its work to promote gender equality and share these values ​​and priorities with Canadians.

– Maryam Monsef (@MaryamMonsef) July 3, 2018

Tuesday, Rempel told the Minister for the Status of Women, Maryam Monsef, to "cultivate a pair" not to recognize the "hypocr [is]" l & Creston's accusation against Trudeau

In addition, you are the Minister of the Status of Women. I've had the courage to call my own party about badual harbadment when needed. Will you be a model and call your own boss for hypocrisy, or do you want to pretend that there is no history? It is there that feminism becomes real. Develop a pair.

– Michelle Rempel (@MichelleRempel) July 4, 2018

. @michellerempel Your joke that I "cultivate a pair" is the kind of language that hurts people of all genders. He suggests that women are inherently weak b / c of their anatomy. Stereotypes are irresponsible, reckless and do not promote equality. #ThatsNotFeminist #ThatsNotEquality

– Maryam Monsef (@MaryamMonsef) 4 July 2018

And fwiw, his hypothesis about the pair I was referring to was pretty badual in itself, right?

– Michelle Rempel (@MichelleRempel) 4 July 2018

"If she does not have the guts to answer it, at least have the decency not to wrap yourself in the virtue-signaling the day when all this is down, "Rempel told HuffPost The government is" moralizing "in its advocacy for feminism, she added.

Mosef's office did not respond to a request for an interview before publication.

Conservatives and liberals approaches to "problematic" feminism 19659018] Sheila Malcolmson, NDP critic for women's equality, was a particularly absent voice Tory Debate Against Liberals on Twitter.

In a telephone interview from his home on Gabriola Island in BC, Malcolmson stated that "bodily rights" are "fundamental" to his interpretation of what is and is not the feminine

"Feminism is a movement for justice," she said. "So unless you commit to support access to abortion and reproductive choice, then you do not fit my definition of feminism."

Justin Tang / The Canadian Press

Conservative MP Rachael Harder speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on March 2, 2018.

The member for Nanaimo-Ladysmith said that the Liberal and Conservative positions on feminism are "problematic," adding that front-line feminists have done "fantastic" work by calling on both parties to make shortcomings


She pointed out that she was having a hard time believing the feminist etiquette that the Liberals gave themselves.

She emphasized the government's slow approach to feminist priorities, including pay equity legislation and the implementation of universal measures. affordable childcare.

Just follow the money, Malcolmson suggests

"The fact that they are willing to spend a lot of money on a lot of things like 4.5 billions of dollars on an old leaky pipeline and they can not fund these fundamental programs of feminism, fairness and economic justice, which, in my opinion, indicates that they have bad priorities. "

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