Bend is now home to the latest Blockbuster video store in America


At its peak, Blockbuster Video had more than 9,000 stores. But starting next week, there will be more than one in America.

Two of the remaining stores are based in Alaska, and they will close on Sunday.

This leaves the Blockbuster video in Bend, Oregon, as the last store.

The OPB's "Weekend Edition" moderator, John Notarianni, met with the store's general manager, Sandi Harding. She said that nostalgia for the video rental channel continues to attract visitors from outside the shop.

"We still have a lot of people coming in almost every day to say," Oh my god! There is a Blockbuster and & # 39; How are you? & # 39; And take pictures in front of the store. It's pretty wonderful, "said Harding.

Dish Network acquired Blockbuster when it filed for bankruptcy in 2011. Dish Network shut down the remaining corporate video stores, but the Bend store was able to get a license for Dish Network's name, and stay open.

The store is a franchise, completely separate from the defunct chain, which is good news for all movie fans who have accumulated serious late fees.

"Because there is no more Blockbuster, there is more computer system," said Harding. have no way to search for old account information from someone. We do not have the means to check old movies. "

Harding stated that the store owners do not intend to close at any time.

" We are only taking it day by day, "said Harding. As long as we continue to do business, we will continue to keep our doors open. "

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