Growing B.C. forest fires trigger more evacuation warnings in the Okanagan Valley


About 2,000 other residents of the Okanagan Valley, BC, were put on alert at night, while forest fires in the area continue to take the scale

. The growing fire led to the declaration of a state of local emergency in Peachland just before midnight on Thursday.

An evacuation alert has also been issued for approximately 1,500 people living in approximately 600 community properties, which means that they must be ready to leave at any time if the conditions are met. worse.

Former Member Stockwell Day, a resident of the Okanagan Valley, reported on fires at CBC News. Friday:

Stockwell Day chats with CBC News Morning about ongoing forest fires in the Okanagan Valley, BC 3:50

West Kelowna Warning

A Another evacuation alert is issued at arou On Friday, at 1 am, about 500 residents of 200 properties in the Glenrosa area, in the West Kelowna area, because of the Law Creek Forest Fires [19659002]. Wildfire Service estimated the fire at about eight hectares on Thursday night.

At least seven major forest fires are now burning in the Okanagan Valley, covering the area with thick smoke. Several other alerts and evacuation orders and emergency statements issued earlier this week remain in place in the region.

The Mount Eneas fire burns near Highway 97, resulting in the occasional closure of the road

. On Friday, the road was open to alternate traffic lane with police escort

Resources redirected to Okanagan

Kevin Skrepnek, fire information officer, says the province will pull resources from others regions to help fight the Okanagan fires.

"We are transferring resources from elsewhere in the province, to quieter areas where we can free up resources," he said, adding that additional helicopters and tanker planes are being used. Fixed water was also on the way. Firefighters on loan this month in Ontario and Quebec will also be repatriated earlier than planned, he said.

"It will not be an immediate reminder, but the plan is certainly to bring them back sooner than expected. Next, have them rolled so that they can start picking up some of the crews deployed in BC." [19659017] Mount Eneas fire disrupts traffic on Highway 97. (Jeremy Loewen)

Elsewhere in BC, there are significant fires in the Wycliffe area in the Ottawa area. East Kootenay, District and Dog Creek Trail Area in Bulkley-Nechako Regional District

The fire department reported that 77 new fires had been fired in the province over a 48-hour period, including including a 150-hectare fire to the northwest of Vanderhoof, Skrepnek said the cooler weather gave crews a slight respite, but conditions remain uncertain, with the possibility of more lightning and a forecast that calls for to a return to tem high temperatures here on the weekends. [19659002] Read more about CBC British Columbia

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