Disabled comedian trapped in the train after staff failed to bring a pre-arranged ramp


A disabled actress says she was hijacked "an hour from my path" after the staff did not bring a pre-arranged ramp.

Tanyalee Davis, who made the headlines earlier this month She said that she was in a train from Peterborough to York for the Greater Yorkshire Fringe on Friday when a ramp, which had been arranged with a

In a post on YouTube, Ms. Davis, who suffers from dwarfism and relies on her specially modified mobility scooter, said, "We are coming to York. I'm waiting and no one is coming.

& # 39; People go down and they just badume the guard will come and suddenly the train gates close and now I'm leaving for Darlington. & # 39;

She said that a train guard had done "all he could do", but the incident reflected "another day, another trial" for a disabled pbadenger.

A spokesman for the London and North Eastern Railway said: "Sorry for the unacceptable experience Ms. Davis had when traveling with us

Tanyalee Davis made the headlines a few days ago: Rex Features)

"We investigate the incident to understand what went wrong and to make sure that lessons are drawn for the future. "

The incident occurs several days after Mrs. Davis was born to the railroad keeper crazy. His partner Kevin Bolden filmed the incident on his phone while they were traveling from Plymouth to Norwich on Sunday.

She said the guard announced during the day. loudspeakers: "We are going to stop indefinitely in Taunton because the woman in the mobility scooter is causing problems.

London and North Eastern Railway apologized for "unacceptable experience" (Photo: PA Wire) [19659010] "They film me and threaten me with put on the Internet. "

"It was the most despicable part – all of a sudden you have everyone's eyes – and people panic because they have connections with Gatwick and suddenly , they know it's because of me, "she added.

" It was so humiliating that I wanted to crawl under a rock and die

"When he l & # 39; announced, it was so embarrbading, I had to sit there for the next two hours crying.

"He threatened to call the police and made us stop because we were videotaping him."

Great Western Railway stated that the incident "should not have happened" and apologized to Ms. Davis. & # 39; surprised & # 39; by the support that she received.

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