Imran Khan, hero of Pakistan's cricket game turned reformist politician – The New Indian Express



ISLAMABAD: Imran Khan was catapulted to world-renowned as world cricket champion, but the man known in the West as a celebrity playboy now seeks to lead the Pakistan as populist, religiously pious Khan's shot on July 25 to become prime minister at the elections – considered his best chance since he entered politics two decades ago – is marked by allegations that the electoral rules are recovering. fast bowler by the mighty military.

Khan denied the claims and denounced the venality of the Pakistani political elite, promising to build an "Islamic welfare state" if his Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party in Pakistan formed the next government.

The PML-N complains that it is the result of military pressure, with party militants shouting "blatantly", the popularity of Nawaz Sharif and the Muslim League of Pakistan-Nawaz (PML-N).

Former Prime Minister Sharif was ousted last year and has been behind bars since returning home earlier this month to face a conviction for corruption, removing the most fearsome Khan's enemy. contrast Khan cut a relaxed image on the campaign track, looking more and more confident of his chances. Although Pakistani skipper Imran Khan, who won the World Cup in 1992, was 362 scalps in 88 test matches, he seems to have never had the luxury of playing bowling under favorable conditions, such as the 39, Indian offspinner. the lands of the subcontinent during 70 and 80s were cemetery for Pacers. | Graphics: Express News Service

In the West, the man who led the world champion cricket team in 1992 is typically seen through the prism of his celebrity and memories of his great stories, including including a nine-year marriage with the British. Jemima Goldsmith.

Back home, the 65-year-old man, married three times, embodies a more conservative character as a pious Muslim, often wearing rosaries and nurturing beliefs about living saints.

Bushra Maneka, with wedding photos showing the new bride dressed in an ultra-conservative veil – an astronomical departure from her plastered days in the British tabloids.

And last month, he angered women after saying that the role of a mother.

Khan is also described as impulsive and impetuous, too tolerant of militancy and favoring close ties with Islamists, amid speculation about his ties to the Pakistani military establishment [1965900]. 3] But for his legions of fans, he is untainted and generous, spending his years out of hospitals and the university.

"We want change because the current system is corrupt, and we are going to face a lot of difficulties," said Jamil Ahmed, a PTI supporter.

"Ending Hate"
Khan entered the chaotic politics of Pakistan in 1996 promising to fight corruption.

During his first decade and a half as a politician, he never got more than " Sports teach you that life is not in a straight line, "he told AFP earlier this year." You take the shots, you learn from your mistakes. "[19659003] In 2012, PTI's popularity exploded with hordes of young Pakistanis who grew up idolizing Khan as a cricket icon reaching the age of voting.

Khan admits his party was ill prepared to capitalize on the gains made in the 2013 elections. But for the first time,

"Pou "The first time, we are going to prepare elections," he said in 2018.

Five years later, PTI is conducting a national campaign that includes remote areas in the northwest. To consolidate its chances of winning, PTI began to attract Sharif's party candidates, raising controversy among long-time party loyalists who say Khan relies on the same corrupt politicians that he once denounced [19659023]. The fear of the mercurial nature of Khan is inappropriate to be prime minister.

He raised his eyebrows by adapting more and more to religious extremists, particularly on the charge of extremely incendiary blasphemy, raising fears that his leaders might embolden.

when they are in opposition because the real challenge is when you take over, "said journalist Arifa Noor." Down, he plays the card of religion. "

Khan was also attacked for his repeated calls for talks with militants and for his party's alliance with Sami ul Haq, the so-called Taliban father whose madrbadas. "At the beginning of this month, Harkat-ul- Mujahideen, linked to al Qaeda, announced his support for Khan's party, with photos of the US-designated terrorist group leader posing with PTI candidates posted online.

Yet many, including including Khan, believe that it is the best political opportunity that he will ever have.

"After July 25, God willing, we will reunite this divided nation," he said at the time. 39, a rally in Lahore before the elections, "and put an end to hatred."

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