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Market News
July 30, 2018 – By Linda Rogers
Investor sentiment decreased to 0.77 in 2018 Q1. Its down 0.45, down from 1.22 in 2017Q4. It is negative, as 14 investors sold shares of BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. while 29 reduced their holdings. 12 funds opened positions while 21 raised issues. 3.50 million shares, or 3.69% less than 3.63 million shares in the fourth quarter 2017.
4,300 are held by Globeflex Cape L P. Tiaa Cref Inv Mngmt Llc holds 0% or 32,423 shares in its portfolio. Acadian Asset Mngmt Lc has invested 0.02% of its portfolio in BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: BSTC). Ajo Limited Partnership invested 0.01% in BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: BSTC). Bridgeway invested 0.01% in BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: BSTC). Dr. Shaw and declared a 0% interest. California State Teachers Retirement holds 0% or 8,607 shares. Schwab Charles Invest Mngmt Inc. reported having 0% in BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: BSTC). Denali Advsr Ltd Llc reported a 0% stake. 5,426 are held by Retail Bank Of Montreal Can. Gsa Prns Ltd. Liability Partnership holds 5,009 shares for 0.01% of its portfolio. 251,770 are held by Vanguard Gp. Mbadachusetts Geode Cap Mgmt Ltd Com has invested 0% in BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: BSTC). American Century Cos said it has 0% of its portfolio in BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: BSTC). Smith Asset Management Grp LP invested 0.01% in BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: BSTC).
Analysts expect BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: TSB) Announces $ 0.49 EPS on August 8th. They expect $ 0.13 exchange EPS or 36.11% of earnings per share of $ 0.36 the previous quarter. BSTC's earnings would be $ 3.53 million, or 22.88 P / E if EPS of $ 0.49 is correct. After having already recorded earnings per share of $ 0.54, badysts BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. show EPS growth of -9.26%. The stock decreased by 2.27% or $ 1.04 during the last trading session, reaching $ 44.84. Approximately 13,558 shares were traded. BioSpecifics Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ: BSTC) has lost 16.75% since July 30, 2017 and is down. It underperformed the S & P500 by 29.32%.
BioSpecifics Technologies Corp., a biopharmaceutical company, engages in the development of an injectable collagenase histolyticum for several indications in the United States. The company has a market capitalization of $ 323.49 million. The company offers collagenase injection for the treatment of Dupuytren contracture and Peyronie's disease under the XIAFLEX brand in Canada and Australia, and under the brand name XIAPEX in Europe. It has a P / E ratio of 27.51. It also provides injectable collagenase for the treatment of frozen shoulder, cellulitis, canine lipoma, lateral hip fat and plant fibromatosis, as well as for the treatment of human lipoma and uterine fibroids.
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By Linda Rogers
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