Children of mothers with type 1 diabetes are at greater risk of being overweight. here's why


According to new research, children of mothers with type 1 diabetes have a significantly higher risk of being overweight. The research, published in the journal Diabetologia found that children with mothers of type 1 diabetes are probably overweight.

Type 1 diabetes is a condition that occurs due to the self-destruction of pancreatic-producing cells called pancreatic beta cells. This means that the immune system produces antibodies against beta cells and destroys them.

Health risks badociated with type 1 diabetes

Babies born to mothers with type I diabetes low blood sugar, low blood calcium, low blood iron, conbad malformations that can affect the heart, blood vessels, brain and spinal cord

"A few Health Cohort Studies, Munich-Neuherberg also found that babies born to mothers with diabetes are more likely to be born. to have diabetes and to be obese later in life, " Prof. HPS Sachdev Senior Consultant in Pediatrics and Clinical Epidemiology, Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science and Research, New Delhi

He explains that it is mainly because the excessive amounts of maternal blood glucose are transferred to the fetus during pregnancy.The body of the infant secretes insulin, which results in increased tissue and fat deposits.

"The infant of a diabetic mother is often larger than expected for gestational age (large for gestational age or macrosomic). Some studies have indicated that children of mothers with type 1 diabetes are also at greater risk of having a metabolic syndrome because high levels of intermittent blood glucose in the uterus appear to have long-term effects on the metabolism and body weight of the child. Prof Sachdev.

Precautions for diabetic women: Therefore, some precautionary measures must be taken by diabetic women during their pregnancy. They include not only pregnancy but also infant care when born:

– If a pregnant woman is diabetic, it is important that she consult her diabetologist to ensure optimal control of the blood. glucose levels by correct doses of insulin and another measure including adequate nutrition during pregnancy.
– Maintaining an exercise regimen during pregnancy prevents excessive weight gain, helps maintain proper blood pressure, improves the effectiveness of insulin. that a diabetic pregnant woman should eat well and eat well. Start your day with a rich breakfast
– After the baby is born, pediatricians should be consulted at regular intervals to detect early signs of complications
– The first 1000 days, it is- ie designed until the second birthday of the child, plays a crucial role in the continuous development of the child. Make sure all the tests are done and that the mother's medication is in place.

Source of the picture: Shutterstock

Posted: 31 July 2018 10:16 am | Last Updated: July 31, 2018 at 10:41 am

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