Beer and Night Wings Support Rotary Group Efforts to Eradicate Polio | Life


A local Rotary group is organizing an event Tuesday night to support the eradication of polio around the world.

A beer and wings evening will be organized from 16:30 to 18:00. at the 97 Street Pub of the Best Western Plus in Kelowna.

It will be a casual event, with registration by donation.

All funds raised will go to Rotary's fight to vaccinate children against polio.

Volunteers will be on hand to provide information on polio and Rotary International's work around the world.

World Polio Day will be held on October 24 and Rotary International will host a live event at 3:30 pm. at

Rotary launched its polio eradication program in 1985 through mbad immunization of children.

Rotary has donated more than $ 1.7 billion to vaccinate more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries.

"There are still young children in the world who are subject to this simply because some countries do not have access to clean water," said Sheila Perepalkin, president of a club. Local Rotary. "It seems like such a tragedy."

At present, three countries have never stopped the transmission of the polio virus: Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan.

"It was an epidemic for which we were able, with a lot of effort, to get some control, but. . . if we are not interested in our past successes, we may not be able to discourage future calamities, "said Perepalkin. "Our story can become our future if we are not careful."

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