The Auditor General's investigation revealed licenses worth more than $ 30,000 and an unknown amount of money had disappeared from the Thompson Sustainable Development Office in Manitoba.
Manitoba's Auditor General, Norm Ricard, released his report on troubled treasury management practices in the Northern Manitoba office on Tuesday, which sold hunting and fishing licenses, as well as cutting permits and licenses. pbad for provincial parks.
The review suggests that the office was not ready to control itself.
"We have discovered a number of irregularities suggesting misappropriated funds," says the report.
Ricard was asked to review the district office of Thompson's Sustainable Development Department in 2014, after officials uncovered missing deposits and licenses. They dismissed the district clerk suspected of being involved.
The Auditor General's review confirmed the internal finding that $ 33,331 in licenses had disappeared between 2005 and 2014.
Money not counted
Money was also diverted during this period, but investigators could not estimate the value in dollars because of insufficient documentation, the report said.
According to the report, money is routinely diverted by a ploy commonly known as "burn-in" in which a person steals money in a transaction, but records the sale with a check later received.
It took the office an average of 73 days to deposit checks from 2013 to 2014, which, according to the audit, suggests that checks were withheld for later use to cover the stolen cash.
"The … findings reveal a set of irregularities that are not just errors in registration," the report says.
The audit recommends that the office start performing risk badessments, segregating tasks as much as possible, and rigorously checking inventory to address internal deficiencies.
"The findings of this report highlight what can happen in weak control environments and why risk badessments, and especially exposure badessments, are so important," he said. declared Ricard in a statement.
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