Move more, beef: eggs are the true love of potatoes | Food and cooking


Kindness does not become simpler than eggs and potatoes. The combination works for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Think of scrambled eggs with potatoes, with potato salad with boiled eggs, crispy fried rice topped with a sweet egg. This is the perfect rate for occasional receptions, ideal for guests who spend the night during the overcrowded holiday season.

I think the contrasting textures explain a lot the attraction of the combo. In addition, both ingredients have a fantastic affinity for picking other flavors – butter, oil, bacon, hot sauce, black pepper.

Loving this combination, I search as much as possible. On a recent trip to Kalamazoo, Michigan, I had the pleasure of seeing salted beef mince at the breakfast menu at Anna's House. The pan filled with crispy small potatoes and rich and tender salted beef shreds, topped with a fried egg, was quite different from that of canned hash browns.

The secret of this rejuvenated breakfast staple is to allow the ingredients to retain their individual textures: crispy potatoes, caramelized onions, crispy pieces of meat and the melting softness of a soft egg.

For almost any hash, I prefer to cook small potatoes to shorten the cooking time and keep the moisture. The microwave cooks the potatoes quickly and makes cleaning easier. For a crisp effect, remove the cast iron skillet and heat it thoroughly before adding a little grease to lubricate and promote browning. Start with a sweet onion to caramelize, then add the partially cooked potatoes in a single uncoated layer – leaving a space around the potatoes for browning.

Once the potatoes and onions are golden brown, you can use them in a million directions: serve them with salt and freshly ground pepper. Crush them lightly with a potato masher and add cooked meats or vegetables to form a kind of hashish with eggs. Add beaten eggs and mix them with the diced avocado to obtain a vegetarian garnish for tacos. Or, sprinkle the potatoes on a curly salad and kale with a warm vinaigrette.

The following breakfast pan is delicious and topped with gently poached eggs that add a rich yellow. Poached eggs can be difficult, so I get them ready when guests are not present. Part of their appeal lies in the fact that they can be poached in advance and simply warmed in a plate of hot water. No stress, however, as the fried eggs with a flowing center taste good here too.

For corned beef, I simmer a small roast in water with spices on the stove until it has fallen apart. Use the slow cooker, if you wish, to be able to shop while the meat is cooking. Know that a 3 pound roast will give a little more than a pound of rinds of cooked and lean meat.

When time is running out, I buy a piece of salted beef at the deli counter, then shred it at home. Alternatives to salted beef could include crumbled cooked breakfast sausages or Mexican chorizo. Roasted or roasted eggplants or golden tofu cubes often replace the meat. I also like to use pieces of grilled salmon, whitefish or rock crab; just be careful not to overcook the fish on reheating.

Serve this frying pan at any time of the day. For breakfast, I accompany the pan with freshly squeezed juices and slices of ripe melon. When I serve this for dinner, I add a bowl of sliced ​​ripe tomatoes and crisp bread.

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