A British cave diver is considering a lawsuit against the attack "pedo & # 39; of Elon Musk | Kingdom News


A British cave diver who played a role in rescuing 12 children trapped in a cave in northern Thailand says he's considering a lawsuit after the inventor Elon Musk treated him of "pedo" on Twitter. told the Guardian on Monday that he was "astonished and very angry" at the attack, for which Musk offered no evidence or basis. The billionaire first doubled the comments on social media, but has since deleted them.

Unsworth told reporters on the cave site, where a cleaning operation is underway, remarks on him were an attack on the entire rescue team.

"I believe he's treated me pedophile," he said. "I think people realize what kind of guy [Musk] is."

Asked if he would consider taking legal action against Musk, he told reporters: "Yes, it's not over."

Unsworth interview gave Sunday, in which he said that a submarine the size of the child that the general manager of Tesla delivered to the cave site last week "n & # 39, had absolutely no chance to work "

Elon Musk Rescue of Thai Cave

"There was no idea what was the pbadage of the cave," Unsworth said in the interview. "The submarine, I believe, was about 5ft 6in long, stiff, so it would not have turned around corners or bypbaded obstacles."

In a strange series of tweets on Sunday, Musk said that he was going to produce a video. his submarine could have reached the kids and in a comment directed to Unsworth, added: "Sorry guy pedo, you've really asked for it."

When a Twitter user pointed out that Musk "Call the guy who found the kids to pedal," the billionaire replied, "Bet that it's a signed dollar, that's Is true. Both tweets have since been deleted.

Unsworth, who lives in Thailand, was among the first divers on the scene at Mae Sai after the boys of the Wild Boars football team and their trainer found themselves trapped inside June 23rd.

Rescuers said they knew the system of caves and networks in the cave diving community to gather a crucial answer to locate the boys 10 days later and help release them last week.

Unsworth said that he had recorded copies of Musk's tweets "I lost a lot of ground"

"I received a lot of support from people around the world whole astonished by his unfounded comments, "he said.

He did not have any contact with Musk "

" I do not know the guy, I've never met the guy and I do not want to meet him, "he said. he says.

Musk had already been criticized for his approach to the situation. the Thai rescue after Narongsak Osatanakorn, chief of the comma The Musk responded by saying that Osatanakorn was "not the expert in the matter" and that he had been "wrongly described" as "lifeguard" and should have been labeled "the former Thai provincial governor". Osatanakorn resigned as governor of Chiang Rai during the rescue, but was asked to continue serving as commander.

Musk was intensely criticized on Twitter for the Unsworth attack. Some users pointed out how "dangerous" and irresponsible it was to make such a serious allegation and to broadcast a potentially defamatory insult to its 22 million supporters.

Mark Stephens, an badociate at London law firm Howard Kennedy, he said: "It is a case of melting defamation and [Unsworth] will no doubt be able to sue. . [If he sued] he would obtain damages and costs. They would be substantial, probably around £ 125,000. The challenge is that he should find Musk's capital outside of America. "

The US Speech Act," explained Stephens, "prevents defamation judgments in the United Kingdom and elsewhere to be enforced in states on the grounds that they undermine US standards of freedom of expression." expression. "The alternative," said Stephens, "is to ask a British court to enforce US law [standards] in its judgment so that it can be enforced in America or it could prosecute in US courts where sentences are significantly higher. For such a false allegation, he would receive half a million to one million dollars.

James Anderson, a partner of Baillie Gifford, Tesla's fourth largest shareholder, told the Guardian in an email: "I have the intention to convey my trust – feelings for the company tomorrow. "He refused to elaborate."

Musk was committed to being less combative on social media, saying this week: "I've made the wrong badumption – and I'm going to try to be better – to think that because someone is on Twitter and m 'attack that it is free season. That's my mistake. I will correct it. "

Additional report by Hannah Ellis-Petersen and Owen Bowcott

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