A group comforts and supports people with breast cancer


Lori Mitchell knows only too well the shock, fear, anguish and despair that accompany the diagnosis of bad cancer.

Eighteen years ago, doctors told the owner of Silhouettes Shop that she was suffering from a very aggressive form of bad cancer. After an equally aggressive treatment, Mitchell survived his almost fatal cancer.

Then, just two years ago, she was diagnosed again.
Although 15 years have elapsed since her first diagnosis, the same feelings she experienced the first time have returned, said Mitchell.

"It's horrible. This is the scariest thing that every one of us has to face in his life. "

Yet instead of giving in to despair, Mitchell turned to a local group – a group she helped found – the Sarnia-Lambton Breast Cancer Support Group.

The support group meets on the third Wednesday evening of each month in a conference room at the Chris Dawson Center, provided by the Breast Cancer Society of Canada.

Women who fight bad cancer, women who support women, and women who have survived bad cancer come together to exchange ideas and talk about their own experiences in a positive, private and frank form.

"Generally, we go around the circle, people introduce themselves and tell their story, because everyone has their own story," said Mitchell. "After that, we'll talk about the problems other people are talking about, issues that some people might be unaware of, worried about, or questions about. And then, I'll ask who lived the same thing. "

The group has about 75 members from around Lambton County. During a given monthly meeting, 10 to 15 people usually come to talk and listen, Mitchell said. Anyone with bad cancer is welcome and the atmosphere is welcoming and friendly, she said.

"We never say" you should do that ". All we do is tell our own stories and let others know how we treat them. Because nobody is going to treat things the same way, "she said.

"We talk about the side effects of medications, sometimes we get a guest speaker, and we also have a private Facebook page from the bad cancer support group, where we talk a lot between meetings," added Mitchell.

Mitchell, who has been trained as a facilitator by the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, usually starts the discussions, but there are others that also provide a wealth of information, insights, and perspectives. # 39; inspirations. Topics range from drugs to sources of financial aid, mastectomy products, local programs and organizations that help people with cancer.
Everything is on the table during the meetings, said Mitchell.

"I have knowledge of the resources available, so I give this information," Mitchell said. "But we also have members who have survived between 30 and 35 years old. And hear someone who has had bad cancer 35 years ago … I mean that alone can be a source of inspiration for others.

For many members, the group was like a lifesaver that helped them navigate the often confusing and labyrinthine world of bad cancer diagnosis.

"I got to know the group with the coordinator of cancer care at the hospital," said Linda. "The diagnosis of bad cancer was scary. Being seated in the group and listening to all the stories made me feel like I was not alone. I was answered most of my questions without having to ask and I felt the love and support of all the ladies.
"The group has many benefits," said Cheryl. "No one is ever prepared for a cancer diagnosis. It upsets your life. Women of all ages, of various types of bad cancer, at different stages of treatment, some of whom have no signs of disease, meet to love and support one another. We are reminded that we are never alone.

For Mitchell, the motivation to create such a group came from within.
"The thing about bad cancer is that some people die. It's very, very sad, but it's a reality of bad cancer, "she said. "So I'm very active in the community on this issue.

"Just seeing the women catch their breath and relax, even if it's only for the minute we laugh or laugh at something, it makes me feel like it's worth it."

And when she wondered who she could confide in when she was diagnosed with bad cancer a second time, Mitchell instinctively turned to the group.

"When I was diagnosed a second time, I would not talk to the group about it. I did not want to tell them because I felt like I needed to be a good leader. The discussion came back to me and I told them, "I was not going to talk to other people about it, but I need support because I got a new diagnosis," she said. "And I felt so much better to tell them, because just after, I told them they were comforting me. They asked me questions, they listened and they helped me in the process again. "

For more information on the Sarnia-Lambton Breast Cancer Support Group or to register, call 519-337-8700. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month at Chris Dawson Center (420 East St. N.) from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

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