
Courier & Press Food and Dining Reporter(Photo: DENNY SIMMONS / COURIER & PRESS)Buy Photo
EVANSVILLE, Ind. – Aimee Blume here: food-obsessed foodie, chef, food writer, culinary instructor, cheese head, etc. I've done something I swore I'd never do again – started a diet.
This one is different and fascinating. It's the Ketogenic Diet, or Keto, and even large-scale medical studies are still pending, it has become very popular.
Some background:
I'm 47 years old and have most of my life dieting, forcing myself to exercise, fighting my appetite and falling off the wagon. I've lost 100 pounds twice, and 30-80 pounds so many times I've forgotten them all. Last time I fell off, about 10 years ago, I gained 150 pounds in three years and gave up.
"Eat less, exercise more," is not a simple cure-all for obesity. Metabolisms differ. Appetites differ. Body shapes and how and where the body stores and burns fat differs. There are huge hormonal and psychological elements.
That's why it's all about winning, winning battles (often with the help of appetite suppressants) – because it does not use the traditional less-in-more-out paradigm; it changes the basic way your body stores and uses energy, including making changes in insulin levels and blood sugar. See links at the bottom for more information.
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How Keto works
In a nutshell, Keto nearly eliminates dietary carbohydrates, which are sugars and starches, while increasing fat consumption.
Your body normally runs on carbs, which it burns for the energy to live. Your body can also burn fat, but it does not want to. Carbs are easier to use, so they are present, you burn what you need, then turn extra calories into "starvation."
Note that different bodies do this differently. Well-known facts are: muscle-dense bodies burn more fat. Lean bodies with high metabolisms burn more fat. Bodies that have been subjected to reduced calories have a lower metabolism, burn less fat and more energy. And fat, as we unfortunately know, can be stored in virtually unlimited quantities.
Now, if your body is not getting carbohydrates, it will turn to these blinds of fat to live and burn them up. This is called ketosis.
Ketosis is a major change in your body chemistry, and it's not for everybody. There are pitfalls and side effects, which we'll talk about later. You must be very careful to get the nutrients you need. A person with a healthy body and well-functioning metabolism should not do this to get into their skinny jeans.
What you can not eat
If you want to enter ketosis, you can not eat grains or anything containing flour. Corn, cornstarch, beans, most root vegetables, milk (lactose is a sugar) or anything sweet including sugar, honey or fruit for a few berries, and you peppers.
What you can eat
High-fat foods that are healthy. So, meat, seafood and full fat, other than milk, grbad-fed when possible and not overly processed. Green vegetables and a few colorful vegetables are needed for fiber and nutrition, with grbad-fed butter or high-fat dressings. Avocados. Olives. Pastured eggs. Some nuts. Coconut. Lots of olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, unrefined nut oil and grbad-fed butter. One pitfall – according to many sources, you can eat more glucose in the body, so you can not eat too much meat.
Since you can not eat fruit for fiber, vitamins and micro-nutrients, you should take a high-quality multivitamin or whole-food fruit and vegetable supplement and a fiber supplement if needed for "regularity."
What you can eat but should not
While Keto means eating fat, you can not live on pepperoni, processed cheese spread and commodity bacon and be a healthy person. Sorry. Make cleaner and less-processed choices for the bulk of your diet, which can include nitrate-free uncured bacon. Your daily calorie needs are still around 2,000, so it's not very active, and high-fat food is high-calorie food so it's easy to exceed this; you can not eat large portions. Keto takes common sense and thought.
Aimee's Keto Diary
I started Keto on Aug. 24 because I had a lot of time in my life. Once the blood was drawn, the carbs were out. I was kept a little diary and waited awhile to write this article, to see if the diet was something I was going to stick with.
Aug. 24 – Can not quite believe I'm putting this out there, but weight today was 280 pounds. Blood pressure and blood work were normal, with normal cholesterol, and blood sugar only 1 number above normal range, and that's the first time it's ever been over. But holy cow, no wonder my feet hurt, that's like a half and a half buckets of cat litter on top of each leg. I want my body to be hurt, to take less Ibuprofen and to be able to enjoy gardening or hiking again. I want to start an upward spiral. I will try Keto for one month and see how I feel.
Aug. 28 – Within a few days, I'm much less bloated. Appetite is decreased. I was at a reception with platters of starchy food, and I did not cave in and eat it. I can put a few nuts in a bowl and do not eat the jar or obsessively think about it. What a relief. Little things keep surprising me. There is more room in the strings of my work apron. I understand that it is because of a lack of bloat and a true weight loss, but it is great. Also, for the first time in years, I can bend my left knee easily to a step of a pair of pants.

If you're big on bacon, get some healthier options. Buzz60's Justin Kircher has the story.
Sept. 1 – I was warned that I was feeling sick, vague and irritable as my body began to switch to metabolizing fat. This has been somewhat true, even since I often do not know how to behave. I do notice I have no more heartburn. Digestively I feel good.
Sept. 5 – I no longer feel irritable. My work jackets are noticeably less tight around the middle. Appetite is very low. The great thing about this diet is that I can not have pasta or bread, I can not help but be satisfied. There is none of this, but it is none of these, but it is not so good. I can keep this up.
Sept. 10 – Feeling a little tired these days. Digestively I still feel great, but low on energy. It makes sense. I used to get all the carbs I had stored up over a week ago, and it can take 4-6 weeks to go fully into ketosis, so I'm kind of running on empty right now.
Sept. 20 – Tiredness is gone, and I feel normal, but not super-energetic like some people claim. I realize I'm relying too much on easy-but-bad food choices. The pepperoni bites and sliced deli meat and cheese are carb-less but not nutritious staples and way too high in protein. I need to prepare ahead, eat more vegetables, can make some home made eggs, and so on.
Sept. 24 – It's been a month. I have not weighed yet, but I can tell I've lost, and I feel great internally. I'm totally sticking with it.
Oct. 1 – Today I was a judge in the WIKY Fall Festival Awards. We stopped at 30 food booths. I avoided the desserts and bread with a barbeque sauce, a couple of bites of macaroni and cheese, some deep fried samples that had a little batter or breading. It's been over the past few days, and it's been blown up like a balloon, belly-achy and gbady and so, so sleepy caught me by surprise. How awful. People say sticking to a low-carb diet is hard, but I'm not finding it difficult, and less so after today.
Oct. 5 – Finally weighed. Down about 15 pounds, not bad for less than 6 weeks. A lot of that is water, and I know it will be slow, but it is very encouraging. I'm in for the long haul.
Oct. 20 – Down a couple more pounds, but weight loss has been slow. The more I research, the more little things I realize I'm doing something wrong, and I'm probably not staying in ketosis. I'm snacking on too many nuts. They have good fat and low carbs but lots of calories. My portion sizes are too big, and I'm still getting too much protein. I'll have smaller portions of meat and dressing with healthy oils or grbad-fed butter to up the good fats. I need to calculate nutrients and look closer at some meal plans. And I need to make time to stretch and walk.
Here are some links to good websites that Keto address. Note that most medical professionals are not satisfied with this issue because they have completed their studies, and that's what science is about.
You'll find articles by pseudo-medical professionals Keto is the Holy Grail, and others who do not recommend it at all. Most of them are trying to sell you something.
Rational ones stress that a hand Keto concerns is the amount of processed meats and saturated fats Keto dieters tend to rely on and how important it is. Another concern is that you're missing important micro-nutrients, enzymes, probiotics and fiber from fruit, vegetables and grain.
Keto is navigable and vastly outweighed by the pitfalls of being almost 50 and 150 pounds overweight after a lifetime of failing at traditional diet wisdom. But, everybody needs to research and form their own opinion.
Links to find more info:
Mayo Clinic
Diet Doctor
Editor's note: We'll keep tabs on Aimee's journey on the Keto diet. In follow-up goods she's talking to health experts about the diet.
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