All you need to know about dental hygiene for those with SHCN


Although dental care is an integral part of daily life, its importance to special health care needs may be an important but less well known aspect that is already affecting a poorly understood minority in society [19659002]. instructions specifically designed for not only those suffering from SHCN, but also their immediate family / caregivers.

One of the most prevalent but unmet needs for children and young adults with special health care is hygiene and dental care. Speaking about it, Dr. Vaibhav Kumar, a dental public health specialist and current professor in the Department of Public Health Dentistry, Terna Dental College, Navi Mumbai says that lack of awareness is one of the major problems that cause those with SHCN.

"Apart from this, physical barriers with uncoordinated muscle kinetics, amortized IQ and intellectual problems, inadequate brushing and compromised oral health measures are characteristic in individuals with SHCN", says he

 patients with SHCN. Dr. Kumar with one of his patients with SHCN. [/ fr]

Majority of p People who suffer from SHCN lack sufficient motor skills to brush their teeth properly, he says.

Other problems that afflict children or young adults who fall under this spectrum include supernumerary teeth (more teeth than usual). and palate, misaligned / crooked teeth and traumatic fractures of front teeth.

Dr. Kumar says that a sharp increase in cases of tooth decay and gingivitis, badociated with dental anxiety and lack of understanding adds to their woes. A majority of them have sensory problems and a pronounced proprioception, so the oral exam and the treatment become a hard test for them. "

Physicians say that the oral health of children or young adults with SHCN must have rooted preventive and curative measures.

Some indications to keep in mind while maintaining the oral health of those with SHCN are:

  • Brushing with a soft bristle toothbrush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste the size of a pea is recommended for them.As they do not have swallowing reflexes too developed, toothpastes and mouthwashes must be avoided in large quantities and kept away from individuals.
  • Specially designed motorized brushes with tactile and tactile feedback are developed
  • Rinsing the mouth after Meals and avoidance of mashed foods / sweet syrups and sweets are steps towards better oral care
  • Parents are sensitized to the fair e visit a dentist at least once a year

Special health care needs include any physical, developmental, mental, sensory, behavioral, cognitive or affective impairment or limiting condition that requires medical care, intervention or treatment. health care and / or use of specialized services or programs

Many NGOs across the country are working to improve the quality of life In addition, Special Olympics Bharat, a sports federation and the Indian branch of Special Olympics International (a foundation John F Kennedy) is working hard to level inequalities and overcome barriers through a structured program of 8 health disciplines In India, Dr. Reena R Kumar, National Clinical Advisor for the Healthy Athlete Program and Regional Clinical Advisor for the special smiles Asia Pacific has got meaningful collaborations ves with Indian Dental Association, Indian Public Dental Health Association, Pierre Fauchard Academy and many universities. Through a directive from the Dental Council of India, the doors of all dental colleges have been opened to Special Olympics athletes for free quality oral health care.

Dr. Kumar mentions that 75,000 members of the Indian Dental Association have opened their doors. doors for one week in July 2017 to accommodate people with intellectual disabilities. This year, the 2018 Eunice Kennedy Shriver Day Celebration Program has resulted in a collaboration between Special Olympics, IDA and the Dental Schools, with free oral screening and follow-up of June 1st Pan-Indian athletes. at September 30th.

Terna Dental College, under the enthusiasm of Dr. Shishir Singh, has been actively involved in such initiatives and is committed to imbuing and spreading the spirit of inclusion and inclusion. 39; integration. The Indian Association of Public Health in Dentistry has made their national mission to improve the oral health of people with intellectual problems by offering them free dental examinations in special schools followed by preventive and curative treatments in various centers

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