Amazon low, Alphabet results raise concerns about growth


Shares of Inc. fell to a four-year low on Friday after their holiday sales outlook was exceeded, leaving fears that Wall Street tech darlings are finally starting to make their mark. face more intense competition.

Third quarter results mark the second year in a row that Billionaire Jeff Bezos' group has not achieved its sales targets and, along with the same disappointment from Google's owner, Alphabet, sent shock waves into the stock markets .

Wall Street badysts have not downgraded ratings and have almost unanimously supported companies' long-term prospects. However, several indicated that they seemed to indicate that the two companies were starting to face stiffer competition from their counterparts in the technology sector and the retail businesses that Amazon had suffered. last years.

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The 9% drop in the number of shares caused Amazon's market value to lose more than $ 80 billion and sidelined it behind Microsoft Corp. and Apple Inc.

The Seattle-based company has now devoured retailers such as Borders, Sears and Toys "R" Us. It was facing greater challenges from multinationals investing hard in competition, DA Thomas Forte, Analyst. at Davidson & Co.

"Google, Microsoft and Walmart … are more difficult to kill," he said.

Alphabet's shares fell by about 6%, losing about $ 45 billion of their market value after a decline in sales after exceeding the estimates of the last eight quarters.

Revenue from Amazon's international operations, which represents 27.5% of total sales, was the cause of the shortfall, with growth halved to 13.4% from the previous quarter.

"We do not see any real structural problems with Amazon, but almost every sector of the business is slowing down somewhat and we are generally seeing another deceleration in retail sales in the fourth quarter. So we have a hard time finding a catalyst, "said Ross Sandler, Barclays badyst.

Amazon was expecting sales to reach $ 72.5 billion in the Christmas quarter before Christmas, while badysts expected a peak of $ 73.9 billion, according to Refinitiv data.

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Its expected operating profit of $ 2.1 billion to $ 3.6 billion was also lower than consensus estimates.

Several badysts have described the company's outlook as "conservative" and said that a possible decline in profits seemed highly unlikely.

"Overall, Amazon's growth trajectory remains strong, including advertising, groceries, pharmacy and retail, as well as Amazon Business ($ 10 billion in sales in eight countries). Amazon Web Services, "said badysts at the Telsey Advisory Group.

Shares of the company fell 9.0% to 1622 dollars in the morning.

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