B.C. government issues first-ever cannabis shop license in Kimberley


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A pot shop in Kimberley, B.C., has received the first license to sell marijuana from the British Columbia government, two weeks after the drug became legal in the country.

Tamarack Cannabis Boutique can legally begin selling non-medical marijuana

The Ministry of the Attorney General says that additional retail store will be issued by the process.

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It says the process requires security screening and financial integrity checks, support from the local government or First Nation and a store inspection.

The first government-operated BC Cannabis Store in Kamloops was the only legal brick-and-mortar shop in the province when it was legalized on Oct. 17.

The managers of two illicit potteries were more quickly, saying they had both applied for provincial licenses and were awaiting approval.

B.C. cabinet ministers have defended the province's slow pace in approving marijuana stores, saying the Liquor Distribution Branch is working with local governments to open additional stores.

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