
A bat found dead in the Elgin St. and Wellington St. E. area in Sault Ste. Marie tested positive for rabies on July 13, 2018.
The bat was submitted to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency on July 12, 2018 after being found without signs of trauma.

Algoma Public Health provides the public with the following information on bats and rabies.
People can become infected with rabies when they are bitten or scratched by a rabid animal when saliva comes in contact with broken skin or wet tissues of the mouth, nose or eyes. The rabies virus is considered deadly once the symptoms appear in mammals and humans. The virus can take days, weeks or months to trigger symptoms depending on the type of exposure and location.
"If you are bitten or scratched by a bat, wild animal or pet, wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and water and consult a health care professional," says Gary Leith, Inspector. in public health. "If you find a bat in your house and you may have been bitten, consult a doctor."
If you think that your pet or pet has been bitten by a bat, contact a veterinarian and do not forget to keep the vaccines up to date for cats, dogs and other animals .
Do not touch or handle dead or dying animals, especially bats. If animals need to be handled, use puncture resistant gloves and a shovel to place the animal in a container or plastic bag. Contact Algoma Public Health to request a rabies test on animals dead from unusual activity.
Learn more about rabies virus and animal bites here:
.http: //www.algomapublichealth.com/disease-and-illness/animal-bites-rabies/
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