BC Ferries would like to see new ships manufactured in the province, if possible


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – BC Ferries would like its new ships to be built locally, if it's feasible

This comes from a cadre, a few days after the premier of British Columbia British said he would like to see them built "We want to work with the local industry and we would like them to be built in BC if that's possible," says Mark. Wilson, Vice President of Strategy and Community Engagement at BC Ferries.

The company is planning the rest of its fleet renewal, with plans to replace the large vessels that will be operating on the main roads in the next few years.

"So Clbad C ships, the Queen of Coquitlam Starting in 2023, the Queen of Cowichan, the Queen of New Westminster and the Queen of Alberni are getting ready to retire. engineering so that everything is ready for the type of ship we want to build, what are the main technical requirements Although the supply process is likely to end in a few years, Wilson says the vessels will likely the same size as the ships already in service.

So what would it take for new ferries to be built in BC There are a number of considerations, says Wilson, but it ensures that 39, "will ensure that this process is fair, open, and transparent."

"Ultimately, we must ensure that the processes that cost are going to be one of several factors," he adds. he. "The ferry users and the current model of the system are ultimately those who pay for these vessels, so we must be respectful of the system and do what is right for the ferry users in order to maintain affordable prices in the system. "[19659002] The environmental impact is another factor Wilson must consider. "As we move forward with our fleet renewal program at BC Ferries, we are very concerned about the environment and the green element. We will do everything we can, we think we are a leader in advancement and new technologies. "

Wilson explains that some ships are already operating on LNG – and two hybrid electric ships are currently underway.

" We see that we will soon be able to use fully electric ships and we are also very concerned about taking into account the designing our vessels to ensure we minimize our ecological footprint – and that too under water. in terms of noise levels and to be respectful of the environment in which we operate, "he says." And that will take into account considerably the ships we are building now and which will be built at the same time. 39. Future. "

Wilson expects that the sooner a new vessel on a major highway will be put into service would be by the end of 2022. The supply process to replace the Queen Bowen, Mayne Queen and Powell River Queen are expected to begin by next month, which could result in five new vessels.

Prime Minister John Horgan told reporters that he would like to see new ships built here – but admits that there might be some problems.

"That would definitely be my preference," Horgan told reporters Wednesday. "But we had 16 years of shipbuilding on the liberal watch from British Columbia sub-tr to other nations. Pay mortgages in Germany and Poland, train German workers, train Polish workers, etc. The capacity of the shipbuilding industry is not what it was, but I hope we can work with BC Ferries and the shipbuilding industry to participate in tender calls as far as possible. "

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