Be in the sun: Association of Pharmacists of N.L. | Living


There has not been much need for sunscreen in the St. John's area in recent days, but there is still a long summer and pharmacists in the province are reminding residents of the Earth -Newfoundland and Labrador the importance of safety in the sun. "Most people know that they should wear sunscreen," said Kelda Newport, community pharmacist, in a statement from the Newfoundland and Labrador Pharmacists Association (PANL) but many are overwhelmed when they try to choose. the right product. "

SPF on sunscreen is synonymous with sun protection factor, refers to the time needed for skin damage to occur unprotected and how long it would take if the proper amount of sunscreen is applied. , for example, protects the skin 30 times longer than does not use sunscreen.

The higher the SPF, the more UVB is blocked. No sunscreen provides protection at 100

The PANL also recommends using sunscreen in conjunction with other sunscreens such as hats, clothing, and sunglbades. It also suggests avoiding the use of sunscreen. sun exposure when the UV rays are strongest, usually between 10 am and 4 pm

T ips to choose the right sunscreen:

• Start by looking for one with the sunscreen 39 Canadian Dairy Association ermology (CDA) approval

• Look for a broad-spectrum product – that protects against UVA and UVB rays

• Look for a product with 30 SPF or more

• For activities in water or that cause perspiration, use a water-resistant product.

• The product must be non-comedogenic, non-irritating and hypoallergenic. • Avoid products with PABA if they are allergic or have sensitivities

• Check the expiry date

Tips for applying sunscreen to maximize benefits:

• Apply generously on exposed skin. The average adult needs two to three tablespoons to cover his entire body and a teaspoon to cover the face.

• Do not forget the ears, the neck, the nose, the bald hair and the top of the feet. Use a lip balm to protect the lips and apply at least every hour

• Apply sunscreen first then apply make-up or insect repellent

• Do not spray or spray pump directly on the face – spray on your hands and apply. Take care when applying around the eyes and mouth

• Apply 20 to 30 minutes before sun exposure

• Reapply after about 40 minutes of swimming or perspiration

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