BEFORE CHRIST. pharmacists receive specialized training on opioids – Peace Arch News


BEFORE CHRIST. Pharmacists will soon need special training to reduce stigma and increase knowledge to address the opioid overdose crisis in the province.

The BC Pharmacy Association and the College of Pharmacists BC announced Thursday the launch of a new opioid agonist treatment training program that every pharmacist in the community will have to complete by March 31, 2021.

A pharmacist from each pharmacy in the province will be formed by the summer of next year.

The training, which is in line with BC Center on Substance Use guidelines released earlier this year, will include face-to-face workshops and self-learning online, the badociation said.

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Addictions Minister Judy Darcy called the training "different from all that is available to pharmacists in Canada".

BEFORE CHRIST. The majority of overdose deaths have been recorded in the country since 2016, with about 80% of fentanyl, an illegal and deadly drug.

The total cost of the project is estimated at approximately $ 2.2 million, including $ 950,500 from Health Canada and approximately $ 1.1 million until the end of 2021-2022 by the province. The remaining costs related to the execution of the program will be covered by the registration fees for the training.

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BC Pharmacy Association CEO Geraldine Vance said that although community pharmacists have been providing methadone since the 1990s, treatments now include various options.

"As treatment options continue to increase, the role of pharmacists in helping their patients access supports that meet their specific needs," Vance said.

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