There has already been some interest from companies considering replacing Greyhound buses on B.C. roads, but the Pbadenger Transportation Board does not leave much hope for remote rural roads.
The PTB, which authorizes intercity buses, announced this week that it would speed up long distance service requests after the revelation of Greyhound.
Chair of the Board of Directors, Catharine Read, stated that she expects that most, if not all, requests will focus on the most populated areas in the south. from BC
"Greyhound has already pulled out of many areas of the north of the province, and we were not interested in people who wanted to provide services there," said Read at the CBC.
"I think the South is different"
The expedited process means that the PTB will aim to make a decision on any request within 60 days, said Read.
The board normally publishes all applications online and invites public comments, with the goal of making a decision within 60 to 90 days of publication. In this case, however, the board has determined that there is an urgent public need, which means that the applications do not need to be posted online and that the PTB does not need to be posted online and that the PTB does not need to be posted online and that the PTB does not need to be posted online and that the PTB does not have to be posted online. Not to consider other solutions, according to Read.
"She pointed out that when Greyhound scrapped two roads on Vancouver Island earlier this year, Tofino Bus intervened. On the other hand, in northern British Columbia, the province funded a one – year pilot project for a bus service connecting cities to return trips twice a week.
Greyhound said he was canceling the vast majority of his roads in western Canada by the end of October.
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