Beware of Purple Heroin: Health Unit


Public Health Sudbury and the Districts, on behalf of the LaCloche Foothills Community Drug Strategy, warn the public that the distribution of dangerous purple heroin is suspected throughout the province of Espanola and the surrounding areas. nearby.

Purple heroin in other communities has been confirmed to be heroin mixed with fentanyl or carfentanil and may also be sold as purple or purp.

Carfentanil is an opioid that is used by veterinarians for very large animals such as elephants. Carfentanil is 100 times stronger than fentanyl. A quantity the size of a grain of salt, or 20 micrograms could be fatal to a person.

Symptoms of overdose include:

– blue lips or nails

– dizziness and confusion

– can not be awakened

– stuffy, gurgling or snoring sounds

– slow, weak or no breathing

– drowsiness or difficulty staying awake

If someone uses drugs, Public Health Sudbury and the districts recommend him:

– Preparing Naloxone (NARCAN)

– Use with other people, but not exactly at the same time, and never use drugs alone

– Start with smaller amounts than usual

– Remember that & #################################################################################### An overdose occurs quickly.

– Call 911 if you suspect an overdose. [19659002] – Stay with the person until help arrives.

For a free naloxone kit, contact Public Health Sudbury and the districts or ask a pharmacist.

For more information, call 705-522-9200 or visit

sud.editorial@sunmedia. ca



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