Brewery in Dildo, N.L. try to play safely with new beer names


A brewery recently opened in Dildo, NL, says it avoids most obscene puns by naming four new beers, despite many opportunities.

The unusual little town has provided the Dildo Brewing Company and the Museum a chance to give their names are idiots, but co-owner Angela Reid says they've managed to keep their clbad – most of the time.

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Among the new beers are "Stout Dildo" and "Blonde Root 80" – a lager for reference at Route 80, which runs along the northwestern coast of the Avalon Peninsula.

"Ise Da Bye-PA" is the most punished name on the list. It is an IPA named after the traditional Newfoundland air "Ise The B & # 39; y".

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Made with beetroot, Red Rocks Ale is named after Red Rocks, location of an ancient Canadian National Railway Station northwest of Port aux Basques.

Dildo Brewing Co. and Museum opened at the end of June and is equally divided between the museum and the brewhouse.

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