Calgary Councilor Proposes City to Move Forward with Bike Sharing Service – Calgary


A new part of the sharing economy could happen in Calgary if a municipal councilor has his say: sharing bicycles.

Ward 8 Councilor Evan Woolley presents a Notice of Motion to City Council "I will start by saying," Taxpayers' money is zero, "says Woolley.

Woolley joined Angela Kokott at 770 CHQR and said that the company was to own a multimodal transportation network. The city is not looking to get into the bike sharing business, but it has many interests in a bicycle sharing business operating in its jurisdiction.

LISTEN: Evan Woolley Joins Calgary Today to Discuss Reasons Cycle Sharing Program and How It Could Look

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"Because we store bicycles in the public space, it is the responsibility of the cities of transportation systems," said Woolley. tool that we will be responsible for, in relation to the operation of the public space, so that we can participate. "

Where previous iterations of shared bike programs required installation of important stationary docks and maintained, the current generation of shareable bikes requires much less support infrastructure.

"The new system they have now is without docker [and] much more efficient", has says Ward Councilor 8. "The t Technology has come a long way. "

As we dive deeper into the summer, I've seen our bike lanes, our bike paths and our trails become more and more lively each day. So I am proud to present a notice of motion Monday for the review by the Board of a Bike Share Pilot Program for two years! #yyccc

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– Evan Woolley (@ EWoolleyWard8) July 19, 2018

LimeBike, based in California, is a company with which Woolley and his team had preliminary discussions

"When I asked Limebike" Why are you interested in coming to Calgary ? What are you interested in? "They said we have this incredible trail system, we have 880 kilometers of trails," said Woolley. "They watched our Car2Go success, so the Calgary economy works very well, and many people enjoy cycling to work."

The dockless flat bike could settle in the streets of Calgary by the summer

Calgary – sized cities with bike sharing have about 10,000 bicycles available as part of the service. But Woolley said Calgarians will not see the city's shareable bikes and scooters overtaking street corners, roads and curbs.

"One of the challenges we've seen in cities like Dallas is putting too many bikes on the streets. and they had problems with motorcycles lying around.

"As part of our system and how we are going to mitigate that, there will be slow combustion, we will probably start with 1,000 bikes this year, and depending on the performance, the supply and demand, we will use this basic economy for this.We will start distributing, to increase the size of the inventory.

Calgary Extracurricular Program Offers Life Lessons and Free Bikes

Woolley proposes a two-year pilot project, stating in the motion notice that he would respect the 2012 cycling strategy. [19659002] Woolley also emphasized the economic benefits of a bike. The sharing service in Calgary.

"This driver, for the 10,000 bikes, the companies say that it's 50 to 70 jobs," he said. "These are warehouse work and operator work.This represents tens of thousands of square feet of storage space.We have seen that hoteliers and tourists really appreciate it. this idea, therefore, regardless of the large mobility choices, it creates a lot of jobs for a city that really needs it. "

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