
Dianne Williams-Cox, encouraging the survivors that the fight is not over.
Photo submitted by Yayri Hazell
October is dedicated to raising awareness and educating the bad cancer community.
The Knockout Cancer Foundation celebrated Thursday its 5th annual Survivors' Conference at the Capital City Country Club.
In the spotlight, the inaugural banquet for survivors where survivors were honored for defeating bad cancer or persevered throughout their fight.
Guest speaker Aniela McGuinness, a film and television actress, recounted her story as a bad cancer survivor.
The Knockout Cancer Foundation was founded by Towanda Davis, a bad cancer survivor.
"Every year we have the Survivors Conference, we wanted to do something different and more impactful," said Davis. to be a blessing for our local survivors here in Tallahbadee. "
The event aimed not only to encourage and empower the survivors present, but also to raise awareness of the Knockout Cancer Foundation.
Dianne Williams-Cox, Davis's best friend, explained that cancer was not the last word.
"This event is great and timely. We should celebrate life every day. However, we must celebrate those who have won their wings. They have not lost, but we are celebrating those who are still there.
It is imperative that both women and men know that cancer is not the final destination. There are ways to avoid this by knowing your body and knowing what to look for. it's the best way to prevent illness and stay healthy.
Shonda Davis, the mistress of ceremonies, won her fight against bad cancer. This event was its time to connect with other survivors and give hope to those who continue their fight.
"This event is important for awareness and celebration of life. Even if we are survivors, every time we meet a survivor, we become aware of something different about the struggle or the illness. Not only does this connect survivors, but also caregivers, doctors and supporters. "
The event also offered a free dinner to bad cancer survivors.
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