CHECK: West Nile Virus, here's what you need to know



Facts About West Nile Virus


CDC, Mayo Clinic, Maryland Department of Health, Fairfax County Health Department

PROCESS: [19659002] A resident of the Baltimore area is the first person confirmed with West Nile virus in Maryland this year. Our audit team works to provide you with the facts about what you need to know about this disease.

First, where do people contract the virus?

Currently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed 14 cases of the virus in people, plus one reported by a resident in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area by the Maryland Department of Health . Nine of these cases occurred in California.

Most cases of West Nile virus occur in the United States between June and September

Although West Nile virus is generally transmitted to humans and animals by infected mosquitoes, according to the May Clinic. including organ transplantation and blood transfusion

Next, what should you watch out for?

West Nile virus disease is clbadified as non-invasive and neuroinvasive. One in five infected people develop fever with headaches or body aches. Fatigue and weakness can last for a few weeks or months, according to the CDC. However, most people recover fully.

Neuroinvasive cases are more severe, causing inflammation of the brain or meningitis.

The CDC reported in neuroinvasive diseases:

• Symptoms of severe illness include: high fever, headache, stiff neck, stupor, disorientation, coma, tremors, convulsions, muscle weakness, loss of vision, numbness and paralysis.

• Serious illness can occur in people of all ages; However, people over 60 are at greater risk. People with certain medical problems, such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease and people who have received an organ transplant, are also at higher risk.

• The cure for a serious illness can take several weeks or months. Some effects on the central nervous system may be permanent

• About one in ten people who develop a serious disease affecting the central nervous system is dying.

So, what is the danger for the life of West Nile virus? Experts at the Mayo Clinic claim that less than one percent of infected people are seriously ill.

Certain diseases such as kidney disease, hypertension, cancer and diabetes increase the risk of developing a serious infection.

So far in the summer of 2018, no one has died of West Nile virus.

While no one in the DC Metro area has contracted the virus, there are confirmed reports of infected mosquitoes in Fairfax, Norfolk and Suffolk. Virginia Beach

The Mayo Clinic gives the following tips for preventing West Nile virus:

  • Unclogging Gutters
  • Empty unused pools or empty stagnant water on pool covers.
  • Remove old tires or unused containers that may contain water and serve as a breeding ground for mosquitoes
  • Install or Repair Mosquito Nets on Windows and Doors

To Reduce Your Exposure to mosquitoes: [19659024] Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities when mosquitoes are most prevalent, such as at dawn, dusk and early evening

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants outside
  • Apply an insect repellent approved by the Environmental Protection Agency Repellent for your skin and your clothes. Choose the concentration based on the protection hours you need – the higher the percentage (concentration) of the active ingredient, the longer the repellent will work. Follow the instructions on the package, paying particular attention to recommendations for use on children.
  • When you're outside, cover your baby's stroller or playpen with a mosquito net.
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