Children are victims of food additives, warns the American Pediatric Association


Although Canada has taken some measures against risky chemicals in recent years, such as the ban on certain phthalates in children's products and the first country to ban bisphenol A in baby bottles, many Others also pose risks. ] Charla Jones / The Globe and Mail

An Important American Pediatric Association Warns that Many Chemicals Used to Color, Preserve, or Pack Food Are Dangerous for Children, and that the Regulatory System Must Be Revised to Protect Children youth. According to a statement released Monday, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) says that health risks, including obesity and hormonal disruptions, are linked to chemicals commonly used in all fields, from plastic wrap to metal boxes and packaged foods. For many years, certain food additives and chemicals used in packaging have been found to be acceptable despite evidence that they might be related to health issues. The study in this field is a challenge because it is difficult to draw any conclusions of cause and effect on the role of chemicals in the development of a disease. But a growing body of scientific research indicates that many of these chemicals appear to be linked to potentially serious health problems, said Leonardo Trasande, lead author of the statement and badociate professor at the School of Medicine of the United States. University of New York. 19659006] History Continues Below Advertisement

"We have reached a point where we recognize that science suggests that we can not badume that chemicals are innocent until guilty," said Dr. Trasande, who is a member of the Although Canada has taken some action against risky chemicals in recent years, such as the ban on certain phthalates in children's products and the first country to ban bisphenol A in baby bottles , many others also pose risks. said Irena Buka, clinical professor of pediatrics at the University of Alberta and director of the Children's Environmental Health Clinic in Edmonton, which focuses on the connectio n between the environment and diseases childhood. As more research is done, it becomes clearer that many common food additives and other chemicals are linked to potential health risks, she said.

"The more we learn, the more we worry that they are a problem. Dr. Buka says.

The PAA says that a handful of chemicals pose the greatest potential risks: bisphenols, which often line the metal boxes or are used to make the plastic containers hard; phthalates, found in plastic or vinyl tubes used in food production; perfluoroalkyl chemicals used in greaseproof or cardboard food packaging; perchlorate, also present in certain food packaging; artificial food colors; and nitrates or nitrites, often used to preserve processed meat. (The Canadian Pediatric Society declined to comment on the statement, claiming that it had not developed its own policy on chemicals used in food.)

Studies have shown that disrupt the endocrine system, which means that they can accelerate puberty or decrease fertility, as well as contribute to obesity, immune and thyroid problems, and certain types of cancer.

Babies, children and pregnant women are among the most vulnerable because developing young people may be more sensitive side effects, said Dr. Trasande. Further research is needed to understand the risks, but the company can not wait for all the evidence to be gathered before taking action, Dr Trasande said.

"We will be late, too late.

According to the AAP, the "critical weaknesses" of the monitoring process have allowed hundreds of chemicals to enter the US food supply. government regulators have not approved. He calls on the US government and the Food and Drug Administration to step up control. For example, about 1,000 additives fall under the designation "Generally Recognized as Safe" (GRAS), which means that they can be used without FDA approval, according to the AAP. The badociation wants to strengthen the GRAS process so that the additives undergo more safety tests.

In Canada, food additives, packaging and chemicals used to make plastic containers and other consumer products are regulated differently, including by Health Canada, under the Food and Drinks Act. drugs, which prohibits the use of harmful substances.

The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, for its part, can be used to regulate toxic substances, but some argue that the federal government could strengthen this law to protect itself against emerging threats. reform the law.

Muhannad Malas, Toxic Substances Program Manager at Environmental Defense, an advocacy group, said many of the food ingredients and other chemicals used in Canada have not been made available of a rigorous review and that the evidence used to demonstrate the safety of certain ingredients is not scientifically sound. He said other measures are needed, such as the reform of the law on environmental protection.

"I think this kind of statement sends a clear signal to the government, in Canada and elsewhere, that the issue of exposure to other toxic chemicals in food products should not be taken lightly. "

Food and Consumer Products of Canada, an badociation representing large food companies, declined a request for an interview. In an e-mail statement, the badociation noted that the regulatory system for food additives and packaging differed from that of the United States and that "all additives used in Canada were required to be used for food additives." ;an exam".


The PAA statement urged consumers to reduce their exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals in food. He advises using fresh or frozen products as much as possible, and a glbad or stainless steel container; do not use plastic in the microwave or dishwasher; and avoid plastics with recycling codes 3, 6 and 7.

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