Chinatown's heritage advocates look to the future after winning the fight against highrise development


By Wanyee Li StarMetro Vancouver

Wed, 11 July 2018

VANCOUVER – As the defenders of Chinatown celebrate their success by pushing the city council to ban new towers in the neighborhood, some community members

Community groups said Tuesday's decision by city council to reduce the size of new buildings in the neighborhood – which residents and business owners have been discussing for years – will allow supporters to focus Vancouver City Council has reduced building height allowances in Chinatown "style =" max-height: 650px; "data-reactid =" 97 "/>

City Council of Vancouver reduced height allowances of buildings in Chinatown ( Jennifer Gauthier / StarMetro )

This is an important step in the overall view, and that could lead to the preservation of the culture and history of Chinatown for future generations.

"It's a good change – we do not always fight something," said Kevin Huang, co-founder of the Hua Foundation, a Vancouver-based non-profit organization that works with youth from the Asian community. , the team and the community can start looking at other factors such as economic and cultural plans, and how can we move them forward.

The Hua Foundation and other youth groups are turning to the promotion of the mah jong district a Chinese dessert and grocery shopping

Many, like Huang, are also partners in the city's efforts to designate Vancouver Chinatown as a UNESCO heritage site.

Town planner Andy Yan Tuesday's council decision to change Chinatown's zoning policies will help preserve what the

The revised zoning policy establishes a base zoning height of up to 75 feet (approximately 23 meters) on Pender Street at 90 feet (approximately 27.5 meters) in the The width of the buildings and storefronts will also be limited.

Some developers and business owners oppose the amendment, saying it would create uncertainty for entrepreneurs who seek to open their store in the region

. The Chinatown Business Improvement Association wrote that the vast majority of its members were against limiting the height of buildings in the neighborhood. They emphasized the need to increase housing density to ensure a good mix of seniors, low-income people and young professionals.

But Yan applauded the council's decision, characterizing it as an abandonment of "making places" and "setting up". The concept, which is to honor the cultural life of a community, appears in the urbanism He said that Chinatown's experience in development could bring lessons for other neighborhoods Vancouver

Chinatown has always acted as the "canary in the coal mine" when Yan, speaking of his success in fighting the highway in the 60s and 70s.

Therefore, unlike at many North American cities, Vancouver does not have a highway that runs through the city. [19659006] Now, after years of advocacy, some members of Chinatown have been able to convince the city council to say no to tricks in the neighborhood.

"It's really working and trying to camouflage the effects of displacement and gentr" We need to find something much more nuanced, much more diversified and small scale. "

Huang hopes that the Chinatown experience will encourage more people, especially young people, to participate in civic life

"If we come together, we can really shape what we want to see." [19659006] Wanyee Li is a Vancouver journalist covering urban affairs and new technologies Follow her on Twitter: @wanyeelii


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