City of Regina seeks contractor to fill Capital Pointe hole


The City of Regina is looking for an entrepreneur to fill the hole in Capital Pointe at the corner of Victoria and Albert, a job that he wants to do by November .

The details of the site's backfill plan are contained in a tender announcement published Tuesday on the province's buy and sell website.

The documents describe the history of Capital Pointe – a 27-story luxury hotel and Tower Fortress under development Fortress Real Developments, which took over the project in 2014.

Earlier this year, the City threatened to give a legal order to fill the hole if the developer did not report that he would resume work on the project by March 30.

When that time pbaded, the city did just that. The developer then appealed. A hearing date for the appeal was tentatively set for July 24th.

"While the appeal is ongoing, the Saskatchewan Building Accessibility Standards Appeal Board has refused to grant the landlord a stay of execution. order. continues to have legal authority to continue the work, "reads in an email that the city sent to CBC News on Tuesday.

"The City will not comment on the request for proposals or the appeal that is part of the ongoing judicial process."

The DP says that the city wants a contractor to be hired in August, with backfilling. ended October 31st.

The potential contractor would be required to backfill the excavation, install the sidewalks and remove the temporary shoring, while ensuring that the traffic is kept open around the zoned.

According to the DP, the city has two sources of equipment to fill the hole. One of them is composed of 37,000 cubic meters of materials stored near the Callie Curling Club. The city also supplies material from the Fleet Street dump.

In a statement, a lawyer of the owner, Westgate Properties, said that the city was "presumptuous" by hiring a contractor before the July 24 appeal hearing.

People looked for the first time at Capital Point Tower in 2010, which was to rise on the site of the Plains Hotel. The following year, the hotel was demolished.

In the years that followed, an inauguration ceremony was held and excavations began. However, the date of completion has been postponed several times.

Currently, the site is a gaping hole.

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