FATAL: X clade could be armed by terrorists to kill billions
Experts warned that one type of flu could eliminate 15% of the world's population and leaving governments unable to manage
But a simulation of the virus would also have shown that it could be armed by terrorists to cause mbad death and destruction.
The virus, which spreads by cough, is apparently so deadly that it would kill 150 million people in just two years.
It is unclear exactly how terrorists would release the virus, but fears have already been raised about airborne diseases turned into weapons.
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From Ebola to the Black Death, Here are the Most Deadly Epidemics of History
Malaria: Between 350 and 500 million cases of malaria are diagnosed each year in sub-Saharan Africa, but fortunately, there is a good survival rate
" It will happen, but I do not know when
Dr. Eric Toner
The shocking study was conducted by scientists from the Johns Hopkins University in the United States
The flu is not real but is based on models new pathogens that are emerging. [19659005] Dr. Eric Toner of the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health Security warned that countries were not prepared enough for the next global epidemic.
He said: "We do not have the ability to produce vaccines against a new pathogen in a few months rather than several decades and we do not have the health capabilities global public that would allow us to quickly identify and control an epidemic before it becomes a pandemic.
"This will happen, but I do not know when.
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A disabled girl whose body has ceased to grow has unfortunately died after a brief illness
Earlier this year, a new life-threatening disease gave birth to "disease X", with the World Health Organization (WHO
Clbadifying it as more lethal than Lbada fever and Ebola, the WHO said: "X Disease represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a currently unknown pathogen "
Fears were even raised: it could kill more than the Spanish flu [19659005] The pandemic has wiped out 40 mill ions of people after being discovered in 1918 the United States.
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