
A new Canadian study indicates that the disinfectants we use at home could cause childhood obesity.
In recent decades, scientists have stated that asthma, type 1 diabetes, obesity and other diseases were clearly increasing in children.
According to a study conducted in Canada, exposure to ingredients that kill bacteria could kill those we need to stay healthy and prevent your children from maintaining a healthy weight.
It's a very, very compelling research, according to Dr. Geoffrey Preidis, a pediatric gastroenterologist originally from Texas, but he's not convinced
"We still do not know what's causing this link, for example, some households that use specific types of cleaners may also encourage their children to run outside and exercise instead of spending hours in front of the television. or a screen. "
"Many hundreds of years ago, many of our ancestors lived on farms, there was no refrigeration, no electricity, so it was one of the key changes that many people point out that could lead to this increased risk of certain diseases. "
The challenge is to find the balance of the bacteria we should live with.
Canadian researchers have found that childhood obesity is less common among households that use environmentally friendly products.
But Dr. Preidis is not ready to make this recommendation either. Dr. Preidis believes that adding more cultured foods to your diet could create a healthy gut.
Foods containing live bacteria such as yogurt can vary the intestinal microbiome sufficiently to make us healthier.
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