Confirmed flu in the region | Local news


Influenza has been confirmed in northwestern Ontario.

The Northwestern Health Unit (NWHU) announced in a press release that there had been a positive flu test in the area. The health unit, which serves a large area including Atikokan, Dryden, Fort Frances and Kenora, added that influenza cases early in the season are rare and that a positive test means that there are no cases. Other cases "not tested in the laboratory".

"Influenza vaccine is the best way to prevent the flu. It is important to get vaccinated as soon as possible, "says Dr. Kit Young-Hoon, Health Officer of the Northwestern Health Unit.

The board of health recommends flu shots, coughing and sneezing into your sleeve and washing your hands often. The presence of the virus in the region adds to the urgency of being vaccinated against influenza because the vaccine takes two weeks to act.

Influenza vaccines are free for all residents of Ontario. Many pharmacies can give the vaccine to anyone over the age of 5 without an appointment. The vaccine is not given to children under six months old.

"Pharmacies, health care providers and the NWHU offer flu shots. However, families with young children should see us or their health care provider to get vaccinated, "said Young-Hoon.

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