At Costco, where the American Dream is sold in bulk, you can buy a bathrobe, a new set of tires, a 7½-pound pot of seasoning for steak and a box of 36 rolls of paper toilet. And as you browse the aisles of giant food containers, you can eat: The brand's food court has a cult for its steep slopes on snacks and fast food.
But there are problems in the paradise of discount: is to remove a fan favorite, the Polish hot dog, from the menu. The store replaces it with healthier dishes like acai bowls, which proves that the people who run Costco's food court have no idea why people are coming at the Costco food court. This is certainly not for getting a refreshing acai bowl after buying a pack of 100 frozen chicken nuggets or a size container of a chocolate covered pretzel drum.
A Polish hot dog looks like an ordinary hot dog. in the language of the Internet, that is thicc. This is technically a kielbasa. Business Insider reports that a reaction to Costco's menu changes began: Fans expressed dissatisfaction with social media, and a Change.org petition was gathering signatures to bring back the dogs. The changes have been made in every store in the country, and some have abandoned the Polish hot dog weeks ago.
My whole childhood is eating a Polish hot dog after shopping at Costco. And not to mention that you removed the berry sundae and added a bowl of acai. You have also removed the chocolate ice cream and only vanilla and this acai swirl with vanilla. Really crazy. #SaveThePolishDog
– Olivia (@ mylifeasliv11) July 8, 2018
No. God. Please. Go shopping at Costco. Eat hot dog Polish for brunch. History of my Mondays since always. #costco #polishdog
– Tahir Z Khawaja (@TahirZKhawaja) July 9, 2018
Costco's population is progressing rapidly through the five stages of grief at this time. Denial ( "How could you do such a thing?" # boycottcostco "), anger (" Vegans out ruining Costco "), bargaining ( "I just want to talk to the one who made the executive decision to get rid of the Polish hot dog" ), depression () "Costco remove the Polish hot dog looks like a nightmare but that's Is the reality. "). They have not reached Stage 5 yet: Acceptance
Be that as it may, do not panic: the regular meat and beef hot dog will stay on the menu for $ 1.50. Polish hot dogs will still be sold in bulk, the Seattle Times reported. Costco representatives have not yet responded to a Washington Post question as to whether the social media outcry could persuade the company to reconsider.
But even the company's executives do not seem very convinced that the new health-focused menu "This new herbal protein salad, I know that excites you," said CEO Craig Jelinek at a shareholders meeting, according to the Seattle Times. "But it's healthy, and, in fact, it tastes great, if you like that kind of thing I've tried it once."
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