
Two molecules that protect nerve cells after traumatic brain injury and could lead to new drug treatments have been identified in a new study. Traumatic brain injury is the leading cause of death for people under 45 in the United States and is badociated with disability, early dementia, cognitive impairment. , mental illness and epilepsy.
Nearly all approaches to treating TBI focus on trying to prevent neurons, or nerve cells, from degenerating or attempting to promote their survival, notes the study. TBI generally modifies neuronal circuits in injured brain regions.
Cypin Activators
Bonnie L. Firestein, Senior Professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Neuroscience at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, said:
with treatment after TBI, it is not necessary to There are no drugs that work well on patients to restore memory, and we are aiming for the recognition of neural circuits. This means that we want our neurons to work properly and connect with other neurons. We want to allow people to retain their cognition and their ability to remember and learn, so our angle is new. "
The researchers studied the cypin protein (interstitial cytosolic postsynaptic density 95), an enzyme that breaks down guanine, which is an important building block for DNA and RNA in cells. Scientists have previously shown that cypin is involved in promoting proper form in neurons and "keeping them happy," says Firestein.

Credit: Mihir Patel
The new study found that the Guanine breakdown Scientists from Rutgers-New Brunswick, the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University and the Fox Chase Chemical Diversity Center Inc. want to develop drugs from these molecules to Other studies.
Cypin: A new target for traumatic brain injury
Neurobiology of Disease Volume 119, November 2018, Pages 13-25
Image of the top: Nevit Dilmen CC BY-SA 3.0
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